
Benefits of Intermittent Fasting: Learn How to Burn Fat and Lose Weight

Intermittent fasting, also called intermittent food restriction (I.F.R.), is a pattern of eating that cycles between periods of consuming nothing and periods of consuming normal calories with intermittent

3 years ago

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Intermittent fasting, also called intermittent food restriction (I.F.R.), is a pattern of eating that cycles between periods of consuming nothing and periods of consuming normal calories with intermittent fasts in between. This type of diet allows for weight loss and fat burning because the body is not constantly overeating or under-eating which causes metabolism to slow down; intermittent fasting forces the body to use up its stored energy during these intermittent periods where there is no intake. In this article, I will explain how I used intermittent fasting and how I found it to work for me.

How does intermittent fasting work?

Your body is made up of a variety of cells and each cell contains mitochondria, which are the part that produces energy. The intermittent fasting process forces your body to go through periods where there is no food intake so it needs to find alternative ways to create energy; this means adipose tissue (stored fat) gets broken down into molecules such as glycerol and fatty acids for use by the liver in producing glucose or ketones needed for fuel during intermittent fasting. This breakdown of stored fat allows you to burn off excess weight while maintaining muscle mass, but only if dietary protein consumption remains moderate – excessive amounts will be used as calories instead during intermittent fasting and not converted into glycogen or burned off as fat.

Intermittent also affects blood sugar because while you are fasting, glycogen is lowered and the body starts to burn fat for fuel instead. Blood sugar levels should remain steady during this time because there is no food intake but if the individual has diabetes or other medical conditions that affect blood sugar levels they may require additional medications so it’s best to consult a doctor before trying intermittent fasting.

When I tried intermittent fasting, my body weight was 180 pounds, which is somewhat of a healthy weight for my height.  I felt as if my weight was going nowhere because I would work out two or three times a week but not eat healthy foods during that time. . It wasn’t until I started intermittent fasting that I saw results and lost approximately 20 pounds within the first month. My blood sugar levels within a healthy range. I had a good eating patterned and would drink fruit juice, which I personally made. I always made sure to stay away from processed foods and made sure I maintained a balanced diet.

How long should you fast for?

The intermittent fasting period is the time where you are going without food, or simply eating very little. The length of intermittent fasting periods alter from person to person depending on how long they have been doing intermittent fasting. For some who have just started intermittent fasting it can be as short as 16 hours while for others it could be around 24-36 hours before being allowed a meal.

I first started my eating pattern to do a 24 hour fasting before a meal. However, as a beginner, I think it was too much for me because a couple hours into it I began to feel hungry and I couldn't stop myself from eating. Instead, I incorporated the 16/8 method which helped a lot. I chose the 16/8 method because it is one of the common intermittent fasting methods that I can easily research online. Moreover, I found that it was medically reviewed. I also found that it would be easier for me to stick with the 16 hour fast because I could do it around my work schedule. The other type of intermittent fasting is Eat-Stop-Eat which involves not eating anywhere between 24 and 48 hours, but this method may require some mental training as well as physical preparation before starting.

How often should I do intermittent fasting?

Intermittent fasters typically eat within an eight hour window and fast during the remaining 16 – this means that if you stop eating at five in the evening then your last meal was consumed by twelve which means there will be a 12 hour intermittent fast until breakfast at seven AM . This method of intermittent dieting has shown to be very effective in weight loss and fat burning.

Yet, I think that this should be done with knowing the risks factors in mind. I think that you should first  consult a doctor before trying intermittent fasting because if you suffer from any risk factors, this may not be the best method for your lifestyle. For me personally I think that it is better to consult with my family physician first and then work out a healthy eating plan as well as exercise pattern which suits your body mass index and health condition.

I wanted to try intermittent fasting in order to lose weight, improve metabolic health, and burn fat because it is an easy way of eating that does not require time for meal prepping or cooking. I think the risk factors are worth trying this type of dieting method since there are many health benefits involved when done correctly, which you can find through doing research online.

Why intermittent fasting?

Intermittent Fasting is a way to jump start your metabolism, break through plateaus in weight loss and fat loss, improve insulin sensitivity & reduce inflammation all while consuming an abundance of nutrients from whole foods! Over time you will experience lower blood pressure, cholesterol levels & triglycerides due to intermittent fasting's ability for improved HDL (good) cholesterol production which means less stress on the heart with intermittent dieting. Another great benefit of intermittent fasting is that it's a lifestyle, not a diet!

One of the things that I found great about intermittent fasting is that it helped with my poor sleep. I was having a lot of poor sleep due to the excess food I was intaking during the evening. However, once I started the fasting, I started to have good night's sleep almost every night. I think one thing that people should realize before undertaking intermittent fasting is that it is not a fast diet plan. It does take a lot of hard work and have a strong mental capability in order to be able to do it. If you think that you can't follow a certain plan then I would not recommend this for your lifestyle. However, if you think that this is something for you and can take on the risk factors then I would suggest giving it a try.

What are Ways to do intermittent fasting?

The best way to get started with intermittent fasting is by doing some research into the different variations out there. What works for one person may not work for another so find what intermittent fasters have been successful in weight loss & fat burning while maintaining muscle mass.

Intermittent Fasting Plans

There are different intermittent fasting plans that work. Some count the calorie intake, while others have an eating window.  Some intermittent fasters fast 24 hours, while others do 16 hour intermittent fasting.

The 16/8 method

This method incorporates intermittent fasting into your lifestyle where you fast for 16 hours and eat during the remaining eight. This means that if you stop eating at six in the evening then your last meal was consumed by twelve which means there will be an intermittent fast until seven AM.

The lean gains method is another intermittent dieting plan, this one incorporates a weekly 24 hour intermittent fast on Sunday with calorie intake of 50% protein 25% carbs & 25 % healthy fats (no sugars) Monday through Saturday; it's also known as cheat day because some people still give into their cravings once or twice throughout the week but practice controlled food consumption.

Some intermittent fasters simply do 18-20 hour intermittent fasting periods while others opt to skipping breakfast rather than dinner – how you intermittent fast is up to you and what works best for your lifestyle. For example, some like to alternate day fasting instead of meal skipping. Other individuals like to know how many calories they are intaking when they do eat or have a high protein breakfast with zero calorie beverages. As with any diet, intermittent fasting is not a one size fits all! Everyone's bodies are different so find something that works well with your body type & schedule.

Intermittent Fasting Benefits

There are multiple benefits in losing weight safely and maintaining a schedule for your eating periods.  For intermittent fasters the main benefit is that you become more in tune with your body and know when it's time to eat & not.

Intermittent fasting has been shown to reduce inflammation, boost metabolism which leads to weight loss, increased insulin sensitivity (which means better fat burning), break through plateaus in weight/fat loss as well as improved HDL cholesterol production (improved blood pressure) – all of these benefits lead intermittent fasters experiencing a higher quality of life.

Once you get used to the schedule of your intermittent fast then it will be easy for you to maintain. You can also exercise while intermittent fasting such as cardio or weight lifting; however some people do say that they get better results when exercising in their fed state (eating) because it helps them to decrease fat stores in their body.

Is intermittent fasting safe for weight loss?

The short answer is that intermittent fasting is safe, but you should consult with your doctor before undertaking the fasting. It's not a fad diet and intermittent fasting has been around for thousands of years (fasting used as a way to express religious beliefs).

There are different varieties/methods of intermittent dieting, some people feel better with intermittent fasting where others have less success. Like any other weight loss method intermittent fasting is not a one size fits all. Some intermittent fasters have had success with weight loss while maintaining muscle mass, others have not. The best way to find out what intermittent fasting plan would work for you is by trying different things and seeing what works. It's all about trial & error until you find something that fits into your schedule & lifestyle. For example, some use an alternate day fasting plan because it works better for them, then someone fasting for 20 hours and then eat slowly a meal for the last 3 hours of the day. Others like to change up their eating habits per week or eat in shorter or longer periods throughout the day.

Everyone's body type is different so intermittent fasting can be done in many ways - some people are successful counting calories of their food intake during the eating periods vs other intermittent dieters who fast 24 hours per day or skip breakfast whereas there are more benefits on doing a weekly 24 hour intermittent fast on Sunday rather than an every day intermittent fast.

The bottom Line

Intermittent fasting is effective for weight loss and has been shown to burn fat, reduce inflammation as well as improve blood pressure & cholesterol levels. It's also very beneficial for those who are looking to lose weight safely and maintain their health and wellness. it can be done anywhere from 16-24 hours at a time depending on what type of intermittent fasting plan you prefer. Find something that works best with your lifestyle, schedule & body type. Intermittent fasting should always be practiced under the supervision of a physician especially if you have health conditions such as diabetes or hypoglycemia in which case intermittent fasters may need extra care in planning their eating plan.


Q. What are some tips on eating out with a date during intermittent fasting:

A. For a fun and healthy dining experience with your date, try incorporating the following into your meal. Have a portion of raw fruit before or after the meal to fill up without adding calories- this means you could have an apple, pear, peach, orange slices...etc. It will keep you from grabbing something unhealthy from the dessert menu if you do find yourself hungry at the end of your date!

Avoid empty calories like soda and alcohol that don't provide any nutritional value. You might want to skip them entirely if you're committed to intermittent fasting for health reasons as well as optimizing weight loss results`. It may be ok if it's not going to affect how much food is consumed in total throughout the day--- but I would opt for water instead of empty calories with no nutritional value.

You can still have your favorite food but in small portions- you don't need to eat the whole plate! If it's a pasta dish, one or two servings is enough if you're trying to lose weight without having too much empty carbs in your diet.

Q. What should I eat on an intermittent fasting day?

A. Eating well on an intermittent fasting day is mostly the same as eating healthy in general, and all of my tips for a healthy diet apply. I would recommend taking it one step further - eat breakfast. Breakfast doesn't have to be big, it can be small - but if you're hungry in the morning at least get some calories in your body regularly. The fasting periods that come with intermittent fasting are designed to preserve muscle and promote weight loss. This is not really an effect if your body is starving during the fast. Eat whole grains for satiety and fiber, again less calories than usual since we don't want to make hunger worse! Try eggs or toast with peanut butter or something that will keep you full.

Q. Can you break intermittent fasting with fruit?

A. Yes, but it is not optimal.

There are two general approaches to intermittent fasting: "lean and fast" and "hunger and feasting". Your intermittent fasting plan should be tailored to best suit your individual needs. As long as it works well for you, then that's the right way to go! Intermittent fasting is a personal choice, so feel free to experiment with different variations before settling on one pattern.

However, if you really want to follow a lean and fast approach (as I do), then stay away from fruit especially before or after your fasts -- simple carbs can trigger insulin release which typically reduces any of the potential benefits of an IF regimen.

Q. How do you properly break a fast?

A. If you're starting a fasting regimen, the best thing to do is start slowly. Start with an intermittent fasting plan that specifies 8-hour windows for eating and 16-hour windows for the "fasting" portion of the day. The next step would be doing an 18/6 fast, then 24 hours intermittently without eating all together.

Michael Llamas

Published 3 years ago