Best Outdoor Toys For Kids

Do you have a little one that just can't seem to stay inside? Whether it's summer or winter, rain or shine, kids love playing outside. From the classic soccer balls and basketballs, to fun water toys like buckets and hoses, there are so many great outdoor toys for kids on this list! If you're looking for some fresh air and outdoor fun with your children then take a look at our favorite picks of best outdoor toys for kids.  Outdoor toys come in different seasonal types, such as outdoor toys for Summer, Spring, Fall, or Winter.

Top 5 Outdoor Toys For Kids

From the classic soccer balls and basketballs, to fun water toys like buckets and hoses, there are so many great outdoor toys for kids on this list!

1. Soccer Ball/Basketball- They're classic, they're easy to find in any store or they can be ordered online, and they provide hours of fun outside! Whether it's kicking around the ball or shooting hoops with friends. These two outdoor sports are favorites among children (and adults!) alike. For the little kiddos, we like the Little Tikes Basketball set. Its great for both inside and outside playtime.

2. Hose- Many of us have fond memories from our childhood of playing water games outside in the fresh air with a hose. Whether it's the classic battle between mom and dad over who gets to turn on the sprinkler or catching each other with a stream of water, there is no limit to the outdoor fun your children can have with a simple garden hose! However, there are new kinds of toys that can been played with a garden hose. One of our favorites is the outdoor water spray sprinkler. It is one of the great outdoor toys

3. Slip N' Slide- I remember when I got one of these for my birthday in the summer, and though it took forever to set up (and mom or dad had to hold one end while letting it out), once we tried it out, WOW! We thought it was one of the best outdoor toys ever! The hours that flew by as we played on our Slip N'Slide before collapsing onto the grass to take a break. It is also one of the great toys to beat the heat on a hot day and a great way to stay cool.

4. Frisbee- Though many different outdoor toys for kids require the use of a disc, such as an ultimate disc or disc golf, we chose to highlight the classic Frisbee for this list due to it's simplicity and ease to play with. Perfect for those sunny afternoons in the natural world instead of sitting around inside! We think that this is one of the best toys to play outside with. Moreover, you are able to spend time with your kiddos and have fun with the whole family while you are playing Frisbee.

5. Jump Rope- Another all time favorite outdoor toys for kids is the classic jump rope, perfect for those sunny afternoons outside instead of just sitting around watching TV or playing computer games all day. Plus, it's a good way to exercise! Depending on the size of the rope, you can have multiple kids playing it at once, which is great for active play and a really great outdoor toy. Furthermore, this is a great way for kids to burn any excess energy they have while having fun.

Best Outdoor Toys For Your Backyard

There are a lot of different outdoor play toys that one individual can choose from. But what is the perfect outdoor toy? We have compiled a list of the best outdoor play toys that you can find online. These big kids toys will surely keep your kids entertained for hours.

  1. Slide -  This slide is perfect for any big kid who wants to enjoy outside fresh air. The slide is big and can hold a kids body weight with ease.  Kids with excess energy can easy burn that energy away by climbing up the stairs and riding the slide back down over and over again. What is great about this slide is that it comes in bright colors.
  2. Playhouse - Kids love to play house. This backyard playhouse is perfect for the kids who always want to act like grownups. They can put on their parent hat and meet whatever demands are necessary in their make believe world. What is great about this one is that it is big enough for 2 or more kids where they can rest and relax after a long day of playing. Moreover, they can play outside and pretend to observe nature from their playhouse window.
  3. Sandbox - There's no better way to bring the beach into your own backyard than with this all-in-one sandbox. With sand toys, and even a bench, your kids will love having their very own space to play with sand! Unlike other toys, the sandbox is a great way to bring fun to the whole family. The age range can rank from toddlers to children to grown ups. It is a great toy, which can also be played indoor as long as the little ones don't make a mess. Some family members like to put a sandbox next to the pool area because it feels like its close to the beach.

The Benefits of Outdoor Play

Outdoor play is good for your child's physical, social, emotional development, and motor skills. It provides countless hours of fun for children by encouraging them to be active in the natural world while at the same time providing an environment where they can learn about themselves and the natural world around them.

Non-competitive - While many sports are competitive, outdoor play is largely noncompetitive. This means that kids don't have to worry about being the best of the best at whatever game they're playing. It also can help them learn how to lose gracefully and just be happy with having fun. Since they are playing non-competitive outdoor toys, children can play with their friends, which has developmental benefits as they grow up.

Self discovery - Kids explore their natural world through outdoor play. They use their imaginations and come up with ways to make themselves happy as they play with their outdoor toys. Outdoor play can reduce stress and help kids learn how to manage their emotions without the guidance of teachers, parents, or other family members. Kids can play may games and have fun learning as they play in nature.

Social - Kids engage in social activities through playing with outdoor toys. Whether they're playing tag around the backyard or having a water fight, children have fun getting to know each other. This can help them develop healthy relationships with peers that they will carry into adulthood. People don't think that water balloon as an outdoor toy, but it is one of the best outdoor toys because kids can use it for water play and use it to play multiple games with the family or friends.

Physical development - Physical activity is important for children's physical development. Outdoor play gives them an opportunity to increase their physical fitness through running, jumping, climbing, and more! They become stronger and healthier as a result of outdoor play.

Imaginative Play -  Imaginative play is one of the most important benefits of outdoor play. Through imaginative play, kids are able to use their imaginations to act out scenarios that they see in real life or ones that exist solely in their minds. They learn how to think critically and solve problems through playing pretend with items found outside.

Kids love to play outside and that is why we have created a list of our favorite outdoor toys for kids. From the classic soccer balls and basketballs, to fun water toys like buckets and hoses, you're sure to find something your little ones will enjoy on this list. Imaginative Play can be one of the most important benefits of outdoor play while also promoting physical development through running, jumping, climbing and more! These big kid's toys should keep your children entertained for hours with their imaginations or socializing with other children in the backyard.