Gamers vs. non-gamers: who has better memory?

Video games are part of the day-to-day lives of many people all over the world. In 2021, 9.8% of gamers in the United States accounted for more than 20 hours of gameplay per week. Another 7.6% stated an hour of playtime weekly. Among these numbers are gamers ages 18-34 (38%), under 18 (20%), and gamers between the ages 35-44 (14%). These numbers will continue to grow due to the increasing popularity of mobile games and consoles.

Gamers can be categorized by different game types. The most played game genres, according to gamers surveyed in 2017 are puzzle games and strategy games. Puzzle games appeal to the older demographic (ages 65 and above), while strategy games are loved by teens and young adults. It is followed by adventure games, shooting games, roleplaying games (RPG), sports, and simulation.

Despite the popularity of video games in all ages and genres, criticism subsequently surrounds video games as violence-inducing mediums. Video game addiction also comes into view, however, playing games still has positive benefits for gamers.

Gaming as a way to improve memory

Memory can be improved in many ways.  Getting proper sleep, exercising and a healthy diet can boost memory functions. Likewise, doing activities that impose cognitive challenges can assist memory development. These activities can include learning a new language or playing levels of sudoku.

For others, memory growth is the least of their concern. Even so, they indirectly engage in activities that improve their memory performance. Video games are one of those tasks. Just like other brain activities, games can also have a memory-stimulating effect. For instance, a strategy game requires the player to plan to reach their goal. Although entertainment is its primary goal, memory improvement still takes place.

Gamers versus non-gamers

People see gamers and non-gamers in a different light. To some non-players, gamers are those hardcore and stereotypical players that never leave their room and play for hours on end. However, the gamers themselves perceive being a gamer as healthier and more positively than the stereotypes. That begs the question, what does the word gamer mean and how do they differ from non-players?


A gamer is loosely defined as an individual who spends their free time playing games. They are people who are aware of gaming jargon, and strategies and understand the premises of the game. Tondello and Nacke (2019) mentioned that each gamer has a set of personal traits. These traits include their “motivation, preference, mentality towards the game.” This diversity causes difficulties in relating gamers to one definition.

The usage of the term isn’t based on the number of hours spent playing, but rather on the dedication gamers have when it comes to playing the game. Gamers define and claim themselves as gamers based on hours spent gaming but their dedication to playing games. According to research in 2021, there are three types of gamers depending on their game commitment.

  1. Casual players are those players who play in a short session and play infrequently. They are associated with casual games or games for burning time, enjoyment, socialization, and relaxation.
  2. Core/Midcore gamers are dedicated players who play regularly but not at a professional level. They are those who have the skills in the game but don't compete professionally.
  3. Hardcore players are gamers who play a game professionally and competitively. They are gamers who invest in high-end equipment and resources.

If we think about it, gamers are anyone who plays games, whether casual games or competitive games. The term is also not restricted to gender, race, time spent, or skills. However, some gamers do not call themselves gamers because they think that they play games that are not "gamer-worthy" or because they are women. The idea of gamer-worthy comes with the genre a person chooses to pick. For instance, a strategy game is more gamer-worthy than casual games. It is one of the reasons why the meaning of the word gamer primarily relies on how people perceive being a gamer.


Of course, those who don't play games are the non-games. As gamers, the concept of non-gamers is hard to grasp. By vague definition, they are individuals who don’t involve themselves in games despite being surrounded by technology. Most non-gamers connect their lack of game interaction to the game costs, lack of time, or because they can't relate to the game.

We must remember that the driving force for gamers is their motivation and interest in the game. Non-gamers don’t perceive playing games as beneficial even though it connects them to technology. Some even find games too complicated to maneuver around and a waste of time, especially for the elderly. Their lack of desire to play games is what sets them apart from gamers.

However, according to the same research from 2021, non-gamers can still play games without much focus as gamers. These games can be the following.

  • Casual games (Microsoft Solitaire)
  • Persuasive games (The McDonald’s Videogame)
  • News games (September 12th)
  • Art games (Passage)

You might ask, why casual games are both under gamers and non-gamers? One reason might be because casual games are still considered "games" but regularly played by everyone, even by non-gamers. For example, people play card games like Poker and Solitaire, but they are not gamers.

Despite the comparison, non-gamers and gamers can converge in one term. According to research in 2021, the term player acts as the middle ground for both parties. Again, those who play casual games like Solitaire might not be called gamers but they can be categorized as players.

G Note: revised some parts and added information to further discuss some points.

Who has better memory?

In comparing gamers and non-gamers, gamers excelled in cognitive tests over non-gamers. According to an article in 2019, people who play for a  minimum of 16 hours per week stand out in cognitive development and brain functionality. However, brain development still varies depending on the game genre people play. Before discussing the game genres, let's first talk about brain functionality.

Brain functionality refers to memory, attention span, and logic. Those who played games manifested improvement in these factors. When gamers play games, they need to focus on the game and think critically on the spot to give a quick solution to a problem. The brain functions are seen during professional gaming tournaments because each move of the player affects their performance in the competition. Gamers also presented positive growth in four out of seven cognitive domains. The highest gain is from perception (contrast sensitivity), spatial cognition (spatial memory tasks), and top-down attention (flanker test). Such development is the result of brain-stimulating activities that active games have. Target focus, memorizing maps and characters, strategy making, and trial and error are a few of those tasks. Furthermore, gamers achieved better results in the Trail Making Test (TMT) parallel to non-gamers. TMT outcome asserts increased visual-spatial ability and psychomotor skills. Exposure to activities that feature eye and hand coordination contributed to this development, and some games offer that.

Now, to the game genres. There are still games that perform better brain training than others, even with all the benefits gamers experience. Those are action video games (AVG), puzzle games, strategy games, and rhythm games.

  • Action video games impose multitasking and attention maturation.
  • Puzzle games refine visual-spatial awareness.
  • Strategy games develop deductive reasoning and information gathering.
  • Rhythm games work on visuospatial memory and the player’s affective domain. The benefits of rhythm games stem from the physical exercise constituted while playing.

These game genres are often fast-paced that require players to strategize, think faster, and solve problems in a short amount of time. Because of these, their brain functions actively, which results in better memory and attention.

Games to improve brain activity

There are specific game genres that provide more benefits than others. With that in mind, below are a few games that enrich different brain activities.

Call of Duty

Call of Duty is a first-person shooter (FPS) game that sets in World War II. The game immerses its players in a historical war through the eyes of a soldier. Call of Duty is the name of the game series, which includes 19 games including Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, Call of Duty: Black Ops, and Call of Duty: Mobile. To succeed in the game, the players need to acquire and upgrade their weapons based on the map they will play. In general, FPS games improve short-term memory, visuospatial awareness, attention, and multitasking. Like any other fast-paced game, FPS games also require players to think and move quickly, maneuver around the map, and be aware of the surrounding obstacles.

Starcraft 2

Starcraft 2 is a known real-time strategy game released by Blizzard. Players need to choose from the three races in the game – Terran, Zerg, and Protoss – to continue. Each of the races has its strengths and weaknesses. For instance, Protoss is best for beginners because it is easier to learn and follow, but is also good for those who strategize and plan their attack. The primary goal of the game is to defeat the enemy by destroying all of the opponent’s buildings. To do that, the player must gather all the resources they need, ensure that there is a constant flow of generated resources, and build up an army. Playing Starcraft, or other strategy games, in this case, allows a person to think critically, use problem-solving skills, develop multitasking abilities, and strategize to win.


Minecraft is an adventure 3d block game that encourages creativity and freedom. It has five game modes that players can choose from: Creative, Survival, Spectator, Adventure, and Hardcore. In Creative Mode, players can build whatever they want or explore wherever. Most people play this game mode for building and experimenting. On the other hand, people who like a challenge can play survival and hardcore mode. Here, the player will gather the "blocks" themselves and build up their resources. The only difference between the two is in hardcore, the player has only one life. Spectator and Adventure mode are both for exploring the Minecraft world. All of these game modes have the same type of world and landscape. When players spawn in the world, they will see the world on all sides or in 3d. Since Minecraft is a 3d game, it raises the user’s spatial awareness and spatial reasoning. But it can also develop their logical thinking when thinking of ways to acquire hard-to-find materials and resources.

Candy Crush Saga

Candy Crush Saga is a matching type puzzle game. The main purpose of this game is to match at least three same shaped and colored candies together by swiping. Players can also match four and five candies to get the booster that comes from each combination. For instance, a line of five candies results in the power-up called Color Bombs, that when paired up, will explore all the same colored candy. There are multiple levels in the game with different objectives. One level can ask for players to acquire all three cherries while the other will ask the player to destroy all the boxes. Players have limited moves each round, so they must strategize and look for the best move to achieve the objectives. Candy Crush is known to appeal to older players because of its easy-to-understand mechanics. It builds on a person’s visual and spatial reasoning, and critical thinking, alongside short-term memory.

Plants vs. Zombies

Plants vs. Zombies is an adventure strategy game that involves playable plants (and later on zombies). The primary goal of the game is to stop the zombies by drafting out a group of plants that best rivals the zombies presented before the start of the round. In each round, there are grid tiles where the players can put their plants. They can put a Sunflower to generate sun to buy other plants or out a Pea Shooter to kill the zombies. As the players progress in the game, they will acquire more plants and encounter difficult-to-defeat zombies. Just like any strategy game, PvZ develops decision-making skills. Players need to strategize the placing of their plants to defeat each round.

Mobile Legends: Bang Bang

Mobile Legends: Bang Bang, as the name suggests, is a popular MOBA game specifically made for smartphones. Players must pick their heroes and role that complements the group (of five) to succeed in the battle with another team. At the start of the game, each player will spawn at their sides of the map which they should defend against the opposing team. There are five game modes: Classic, Rank, Brawl, Vs. AI, and Custom. Classic is the most played game mode and it is a 5v5 game. where ranked players can participate. Mobile Legends is a fast-paced game. Players need to communicate with their teammates quickly and think of a strategy to win the game.


Playing video games is an enjoyable way to train the mind. It is a medium of learning that is used indirectly by gamers. For non-gamers, it can easily be a way to not only improve cognitive functions but also introduce themselves to the digital world.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is a casual gamer?

A casual gamer is someone who plays video games for leisure and not as a competitive hobby. They are typically older and don’t play for hours at a time. Some games that they play are Candy Crush, Words with Friends, and Bejeweled.

What is a hardcore gamer?

A hardcore gamer is the opposite of a casual gamer. They are typically young and male and play video games for hours at a time. They are also more likely to be competitive and play first-person shooter (FPS) games. Some examples of hardcore gamers include Halo, Gears of War, and Call of Duty.

What are the best multiplayer games?

The best multiplayer games depend on what you’re looking for. Some people prefer fast-paced and competitive games while others prefer slower and more strategic games. Some examples of popular multiplayer games are Overwatch, Rainbow Six Siege, and Minecraft.

What are the best platforms to play on?

The best platforms to play on depend on the type of game you want to play. For example, if you want to play first-person shooters (FPS), then the best platforms are PC and Xbox One. If you want to play mobile games, then the best platform is a iOS smartphone. Each platform has different support systems and features. Some games may not be available on all platforms, so you will need to contact the developer to see where a specific video games can be played on.