
How do you write a good blog post?: a step-by-step guide

Blogging is a popular way to share your experiences, opinions, and thoughts on the internet. You can write blog posts and include links, text, images, or videos. The first blog

2 years ago

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Blogging is a popular way to share your experiences, opinions, and thoughts on the internet. You can write blog posts and include links, text, images, or videos. The first blog dates back to 1994 to Justin Hall’s blog. At the time, his website was used for sharing links and sharing his personal experiences.

Today, the purpose of blogs has evolved to go beyond sharing personal experiences. Personal-style blogs have branched out to become travel blogs, personal blogs, food blogs, video blogs (vlogs), and business blogs. Businesses and influencers use blogging to promote their content, engage with their customers, and connect closely to their audience.

Writing a blog might sound easy, but it’s more than just choosing a topic and writing about it. Writing a blog requires researching and considering other factors like keywords and your audiences. If you want to write a good blog post, here are the steps you need to take.

First things first, think of a topic

Your topic is what the blog will be about, and choosing a topic is a fundamental step in blog writing. A blog topic can be anything under the sun. Topics can be anything from your travel experience to another country to a product review, but as a rule of thumb, you’ll want to keep your topic relevant to your target audience.

Considering today's trends and your audience is a vital step in choosing a topic. Knowing which ideas are relevant at the time of your writing will help you gain traction and capture the interest of your audience. You can use Google Trends to see what topics are popular and which keywords to use. Don’t forget to consider your target audience. For example, if your target audience is teens who use TikTok, you can write something about TikTok influencers or how to grow followers on TikTok.

Second, do your research and check your facts

Before you start writing, you’ll need to research your blog’s topic. Researching and checking your facts helps you create a blog outline and gives you an idea of what to include or emphasize. Aside from that, researching can also ensure that writing a blog on that topic will be worthwhile. We don't want to scrap a blog halfway into writing it because it is outdated or because it can be misleading to people.

Think of researching and fact-checking as a way to prove your credibility as a blogger. If you are unsure about the truthfulness of your topic, you'll appear one-sided or miss the idea of your blog. It can also lead to misinformation or fake news, which affects your blog's image.

Third, make an outline

The outline will determine the flow of your blog, and there are two outlines you should consider. Let’s talk about the writing outline first. Creating a writing outline lets you see how your blog will flow, what information goes well together, and what information your audience is likely to engage with more. On top of that, you will also get insight into what information should be included or removed to produce a high-quality blog.

The second outline you need to make is a blog outline. After knowing what kind of content to put up on your blog, you can start plotting the types of multimedia you want to use or how you want your blog to look. For example, you may want to insert a video about planting roses after describing a step-by-step procedure. Outlining your blog will make your content easier to read and navigate.

Both of these outlines will help you visualize the appearance of your blog. They can serve as a pattern for formatting texts, they can help you decide which information you want to highlight, or where to put images to help your audience when reading. Outlining will also help your blog look credible and help your audience find answers faster. Remember that the appearance of your blog matters to the audience when they assess the face value of your content, so you must plot your blog post first before writing.

Fourth, start writing

After creating your outline, it is time to expand it into a readable and informative blog. Before you start writing, you should consider using keywords, making skimmable content, using call-to-actions, visual information, and blog tools so your blog will remain relevant, easy to access, and relatable.

Use keywords

Keywords are part of the search engine optimization (SEO) strategies you need to use in writing your blog. They are the same as the words that the customers input in the search bar in search engines like Google, and using keywords can make your content more visible on the internet. When writing your content, you should consider including some keywords which help your readers find answers to their questions.

For example, you want to write about the relevance of TikTok as a marketing tool. You can include in your blog keywords, such as digital marketing or brand deals. Adding relevant keywords in your blog can help you in many ways – by increasing your rank on the search engine results page (SERP) to make your content visible or by making your content relevant to your audience. Not only that, but using keywords can increase your traffic without spending money on advertisements.

Aside from the content itself, you can put your keywords in your blog title. An intriguing title can be 10 Ways to Get More Followers on TikTok or Hacks to Grow Your TikTok account. These titles use keywords like TikTok or More Followers that the audience uses when searching on the internet about that topic.

Make skimmable content

Blogs today have become a great source of information. Bloggers tend to summarize information from different resources, people, and events, which is why audiences tend to read blogs to get all the information they need in one place. Among these readers, only a few thoroughly read a blog post. People often skim blogs only to search for the information they need.

To make your blog skimmable for those who want quick answers, you can separate your blog contents by titles or headings. For example, you wanted to discuss the ways to study English. You can isolate your content by learning strategies such as listening to songs, reading books, or watching English movies.

A wordy blog without headings or separation in content can render the blog overwhelming for the people reading it. It can also make people click off, especially mobile readers. Mobile readers want answers quickly, and sometimes, they even go out of their way to search for the information they need. Ensuring that your blog is skimmable for both computer and mobile audiences can help your blog grow because your audiences know that you provide them with easy-to-follow and reliable content.

Visualize information

Multimedia such as videos and images can help your audience understand your content better. It can help them visualize what they are reading instead of imagining it. For instance, your blog is about a tutorial on building a lego city. The images you include should portray the step-by-step process you wrote in your blog. If you're writing a fashion blog, you should add pictures of dresses or clothes you feature.

There are a few things to consider when including multimedia in your content.

First, you should consider the image size and quality. Your image should be high-quality, mobile-friendly, and easy to load before adding to your post. Second, in videos, you should have a captivating thumbnail so people can get a glimpse of what the video is about by just looking at the image. And third, make sure to credit resources from the web below your multimedia or in your references! We don't encourage stealing intellectual property in writing your content, so make sure that you cite all of your resources. Including multimedia can grab your audience's attention, which is beneficial in increasing your traffic and conversion rates.

Use call-to-actions

While reading or after reading your blog, you’ll want your readers to stay in touch or come back to your blog site. That is when you can use call-to-actions. Call-to-actions or CTA are prompts in your blog that encourage your audience to take action. It can be through pop-out messages, subscribe buttons, free-trial offers, and more.

Most CTAs serve as a marketing strategy. Bloggers use it to make their audiences buy their products or subscribe to their content. But CTAs are more than a marketing strategy – they can also be used to get to know your audience better and form a community. An example of a CTA is commenting. You can also make your readers comment with their thoughts, inquiries, or criticism at the end of your blog. Commenting is a medium of communication between you and your audience. Not only will it help boost your engagement, but you can also see what your audience needs.

Including call-to-action to your blog can increase your audience’s conversion rate. You can make your audience subscribe to your blog, share the content, or purchase a product using CTAs. And if the conversion rate increases, your profit and engagement will also grow.

Utilize blogging tools

If you’re posting your content on Google, you can use different blogging tools like Google Search Console and Google Analytics to make your blog effective.

Google Search Console, formerly known as Google Webmaster Tools, provides analysis on how you can improve your blog. It includes information about your user traffic, click-through rate (CTR), user impressions, and anything related to your blog's performance. Google Search Console helps you improve your ranking on Google's search engine results page (SERP), which will make your blog more visible and accessible to internet users.

Google Analytics gauges the information and behavior of the audience visiting your site. You can know what ages spend time reading your blog, what gender and interest they have, what device they use, and their location. Google Analytics can also tell you why users bounce off your site and what readers do when they stay reading. Using Google Analytics will help you tailor-fit your content to your target audience, increase your audience's conversion rate, and track your goals for your blog.

There are also tools like Google Ads, Google Trends, Google Tag Master, or Google Keyword Planner. Google offers all of these tools for free, so make sure to use them to write or create your blog. Bing also has their webmaster tool, which can be helpful if you mainly focus on Bing as your search engine.

Give credible resources

Including reliable sources on your blog ties into your research before outlining, but they are two separate processes. The research you do before outlining is to find out which ideas to include, while adding reliable sources during writing will prove the credibility of your words. For example, you mentioned that people like to drink tea more than coffee. Saying it plainly without citing any credible source can make your audience question whether the information is factual.

Statistics, research, journal articles, and expert interviews are a few reliable resources you can include in your blog. They are essential in writing to establish your credibility as a blogger and the credibility of your blog. It can also support your arguments, inform the audience, and encourage them to take action, such as purchasing a product.

Be yourself when writing

In writing your content, staying authentic and relatable should be part of your process. Bloggers that appear to be average or a person that anyone can relate to drive up the most engagement out of the audience. Readers are more likely to engage in conversation with the bloggers if they know they are approachable or at their level. Remember that engagement is a vital part of building your blog, and you can engage with your audience by being authentic and relatable.

Additionally, being yourself can also immerse your audience with your content. For example, you are writing about your travel experience in another country. Writing your blog as if you're traveling with your audience can make your blog relatable and make your audiences engage. When your audiences enjoy your content, they can recommend your blog to other readers, which uses a word-of-mouth strategy.

Fifth, check and revise your blog

Posting your content without revising or rereading it is not good practice! A blog with multiple spelling errors, incorrect grammar, or any visible errors can make your content look unreliable. Instead of your readers focusing on your content, the mistakes on your blog might distract them. So make sure that your blog is free of errors before publishing.

Proofreading and editing your work is part of the writing process – regardless of whether it is academic writing or writing blogs. It is the last step you need to make a high-quality blog and ensure that you deliver your message accurately to your audience. First, proofreading includes checking for grammar, punctuation, and spelling. Second, editing is for checking the overall coherence of your work.

There are different ways to proofread and edit, such as printing your work on paper or asking a friend for a second pair of eyes. But, you can also use grammar checker software like Grammarly.

Lastly, publish and promote your blog

Now, it’s time for your audience to see your blog. There are many blogging platforms where you can post your content. WordPress is one of the options which is suitable for starting and professional bloggers. In WordPress, you can create your blogging site from scratch and turn it into your blog site by buying a website domain. But if you’re testing the waters with the features of WordPress, you can use their free version. Other popular blogging sites include Wix, Blogger, LinkedIn, Medium, Tumblr, and Ghost.

However, posting your blog is not the end of your blog process. Making sure that your content is visible and accessible to your target audience is still a part of blogging. Aside from utilizing SEO, you can use social media sites to promote your blogs, such as Facebook and Twitter. When posting your blog post on your social media accounts, you can add a picture or create an intriguing title for your audience to take an interest in your content. Social media is a free marketing medium for your blog. It encourages your audience to engage in your content by sharing, commenting and forming a community.

Talking about communities, forming a community is also a reliable way to promote your blog. One marketing strategy that happens in a community is word-of-mouth marketing (WOM). WOM is where customers persuade other audiences to engage or buy products. It can be beneficial in advertising your blog because people often rely on the suggestion and recommendations of other people before interacting with content or purchasing a product. For instance, if an audience enjoyed reading your blog and found it engaging or intriguing, they can recommend your blog to their peers. Remember that your audience's perception of your blog matters in promoting it, so make sure that you make a good impression by considering the process of writing a blog.


Blogging opens up many opportunities for you. Writing a blog page allows you to share your experiences, be creative, and gain traction while earning money. Influencers and businesses also use blogging as a cost-effective way to promote their product, so it is one of the most preferred marketing methods today.

Writing a blog might be difficult for some, especially if you’re just starting to be a blogger. Alongside writing the content itself, there are also multiple things you need to consider. You must know your audience, think of SEO strategies, and more. Blogging might be overwhelming for you at first. Just follow the steps we’ve provided, and your journey as a blogger will be much easier!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How can I make my blog attractive?

By creating content that is valuable, engaging, and thoughtful. In order to attract readers, you need to produce content that interests them. This means sharing your unique perspective on topics that are relevant to your audience, and writing in a way that is engaging and easy to understand. You should also make an effort to be interactive with your readers by responding to their comments and engaging them in conversation. By providing quality content that is worth reading, you can create an attractive blog that will keep people coming back for more.

What should my first blog post be about?

This is a great question! And it's one that a lot of people struggle with, especially when they're starting out.

There are a few things you could consider writing about. One option would be to share your story - how you got interested in blogging, what led you to start your own blog, and what your goals are for the blog. Alternatively, you could discuss some of the basics of blogging - such as how to choose a topic, how to come up with ideas for blog posts, and how to create interesting and engaging content.

These are just ideas. Your first blog post doesn't have to be about blogging. If you really want to, you can rev up the interest factor and start in the middle like they do in the movies–this is one way to engage your readers.

Whatever you decide to write about, make sure that it's something that you're passionate about and that you know a lot about. That way, you'll be able to provide valuable information to your readers.

How do beginner bloggers make money?

The simplest answer is that beginner bloggers make money by monetizing their blog content. This can be done in a number of ways, such as selling advertising space, integrating affiliate links, or selling products and services through their blog. Of course, the amount of money that a blogger can make depends on a number of factors, including the size of their audience and the type of content they produce. So if you're just starting out, don't expect to make a fortune overnight - but know that there are ways to monetize your blog from the very beginning.

How should a blog look like?

A blog should look like a conversation. The best blogs are the ones where you feel like you're having a conversation with the writer. They're informal, personal, and engaging. The layout should be easy to navigate, with posts that are easy to read. The font should be large and easy to read, and there shouldn't be too much clutter on the page. Break up the content with images or multimedia to make it easier to digest and interesting too. Consider infographics if it's appropriate for the content. The content should be interesting, relevant, and original. You won't get very far if all you do is rehash what everyone else is saying. Be sure to add your own voice and perspective to your writing, and offer something new and unique to your readers.

How to write good blogs?

There's no one answer to this question. Every blogger has their own style, voice, and approach to writing. But there are a few general tips that can help you write better blog posts. First, make sure that you have something valuable to say. Don't just regurgitate what everyone else is saying - offer your own unique perspective on the topic. Second, make sure that your writing is clear and easy to understand. Use simple language and avoid jargon. Third, make sure that your blog post is well-organized and easy to follow. Use headings and subheadings to break up the text, and use lists or bullet points when appropriate. Fourth, use images, infographics, and other multimedia to break up the text and make your blog post more visually appealing. Finally, proofread your blog post before you hit publish, and consider having someone else read it as well. By following these tips, you can write better blog posts that will engage and inform your readers.

What kind of blogs make the most money?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the profitability of a blog depends on a variety of factors, including the topic of the blog, the target audience, and the advertising and monetization strategies employed.

That said, some types of blogs are more likely to be profitable than others. For example, blogs that focus on popular topics or that have a large and engaged readership are more likely to make money through advertising and affiliate marketing programs. Additionally, blogs that sell products or services are often more successful in generating revenue than those that do not.

Who is the target audience of my blog?

The target audience of your blog is anyone who is interested in the topic you are blogging about.

Your blog's target audience may be narrowed down a bit if you are blogging about a specific topic, such as fashion or travel, but even then, your blog's target audience is still anyone who is interested in those topics. So whether you're targeting general audiences or more specific ones, the bottom line is that your blog's content should be relevant and interesting to whoever happens to be reading it.

What is the purpose of your blog?

The purpose of my blog is two-fold: to provide expert opinions on pressing political issues, and to entertain readers with my sharp wit and clever insights. I believe that knowledge is power, and so my goal is to arm people with the information they need to make informed decisions about the world around them. But I also believe that life is too short to be serious all the time, so I try to inject a bit of levity into even the most earnest topics. Ultimately, I hope that my blog can make a difference in the world – even if it’s just by making people think (and laugh) along the way.

Can small blogs make money?

If you're asking whether or not small blogs can make money, the answer is a resounding yes! In fact, many small bloggers are earning a significant income from their blogging endeavors.

There are a number of ways that small bloggers can make money. One popular method is through affiliate marketing. Affiliate marketing allows bloggers to earn commission from sales made through links on their blog. For example, if a blogger promotes a product and someone clicks on the link and makes a purchase, the blogger will earn commission from that sale.

Another way that small bloggers can make money is through sponsored posts. Sponsored posts are simply posts in which a company pays the blogger to promote their product or service.

What are great blog post ideas?

Some great blog post ideas include:

-How to posts (e.g., how to start a blog, how to make money blogging, etc.)

-Product reviews

-roundups (e.g., the best coffee shops in NYC, the best travel apps, etc.)

-Listicles (e.g., the top 10 reasons to start a blog, the 5 worst things about travel, etc.)

-Personal stories (e.g., how I quit my 9-to-5 job to travel the world, why I decided to start a blog, etc.)

-Interviews (e.g., interviews with successful bloggers, interviews with people who have interesting jobs, etc.)

-Opinion pieces (e.g., why I think travel is important, why I think blogging is a great way to make money, etc.)

No matter what type of blog post you decide to write, remember to keep your audience in mind and to focus on delivering valuable and interesting content.

What is a meta description?

A meta description is a brief description of a blog post that appears in search engine results pages (SERPs). The meta description should give readers an idea of what the blog post is about, tempting them to click through to read the full article. Meta descriptions are not necessarily required, but they can be helpful in terms of driving traffic to your blog.

When writing a meta description, keep in mind that the character limit is around 155-160 characters. So make sure to be concise and to include keywords that are relevant to your article.

A good meta description should:

-Be relevant to the blog post

-Include keywords that are relevant to the blog post

-Be around 155-160 characters

-Be interesting and tempting enough to make readers want to click through to read the full article

How do I conduct a keyword research?

Conducting keyword research is important if you want your blog to be successful. Keyword research allows you to determine which keywords are most relevant to your blog and will therefore help you attract more readers. There are a number of ways to conduct keyword research. One popular method is through Google AdWords Keyword Planner. This tool allows you to research keywords and get ideas for new keyword opportunities.

Another way to conduct keyword research is through Google Trends. This tool allows you to see how popular certain keywords are and how their popularity has changed over time. Finally, you can also use a tool like BuzzSumo to find the most popular content on the web. This can be helpful in terms of coming up with ideas for new blog posts.

Michael Llamas

Published 2 years ago