How to prepare if you want to study abroad

Studying overseas is a thrilling dream for many American students in pursuit of enriching cultural experiences. It is an enjoyable adventure that promises many potential benefits to an individual’s personal growth and development. Unfortunately, some of those dreams had to be put on hold due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The number of U.S. students studying abroad decline by 53%, from 347,099 to 162,633 students for the Academic Year 2019-2020. After two years of battling this pandemic, borders are starting to open up and many study destinations are once again reopening their doors to international programs. Ready for those adventures abroad from a semester abroad to weekend trips.

There are many programs and resources available online for inidivials aspiring to pursue their education abroad. Example, exchange programs for cultural enrichment or scholarships for graduate studies. Regardless of what suits your personal, educational, and career goals, knowing what to expect before you arrive in your new home abroad can help make the transition of moving to a new country smoother.

Benefits of studying abroad

Although temporarily leaving the nest can be daunting for some people, there are many benefits to pursuing your studies outside of the country. Studying abroad is an exciting venture that broadens your outlook, exposes you to diverse traditions learn the local language and cultures, and significantly increases career opportunities.

Many individuals claim that studying abroad helps develop cultural awareness and international mindedness. In the Academic Year 2019-2020, the most popular study destinations for American students were Spain, Italy, the United Kingdom, France, and Australia. Whether you choose to pursue your education in countries where the English language is commonly spoken or not, this journey will expose you to many diverse traditions and cultures.

Colleges and universities in non-English speaking countries often offer intensive language programs. Learning how to speak your host country’s language can help make integrating into the community easier, from navigating your surroundings to interacting with locals. Most schools and universities abroad also have clubs and organizations for international students that help them make the most out of their stay. In addition, study abroad programs often sponsor engaging intercultural activities. Organized social encounters and activities facilitated by universities can help international students adapt comfortably.

Pursuing education abroad can increase self-confidence and develop independence. According to research by Dr. Gita Maharaja, coordinator of academic advising and faculty member at Duquesne University, students who have studied overseas claimed to have developed transformative skills, such as personal autonomy, maturity, and assertiveness. Seemingly trivial tasks can feel like a challenge when dealing with them on your own. In addition, living in a foreign country instills a renewed sense of responsibility and accountability that can positively impact an individual’s growth.

Aspiring international students can also expect to encounter friends and schoolmates from other diverse cultural backgrounds. This experience can help them adopt cultural perspectives and broaden their outlook. Studying abroad can also enhance one’s communication skills by interacting with people who don't share the same native language. Language barriers enable students to adopt new perspectives by looking through various cultural lenses. Moreover, studying abroad will help students gain higher levels of cultural empathy and openness and help develop social competence. In relation to this, the immersive experience of studying abroad can also enhance students’ global awareness. Exposure to different cultural perspectives significantly increases levels of international political concern, cross-cultural interest, and cultural cosmopolitanism. In addition, this intercultural exchange allows students to hear varying voices and opinions that would help them form well-rounded global views.

Studying abroad can also significantly enhance an individual’s self-efficacy. Self-efficacy is essential to how people perceive their strengths. This includes their outlook and how they see themselves as capable of enduring challenges. Research shows that living overseas can positively influence people’s behavior regarding obstacles. Living alone compels international students to handle problems on their own in their host country. Furthermore, the need to adjust and adapt to a different culture also affects how they handle future problems. Interacting with local communities and engaging in cultural exchange activities can lead to higher self-efficacy gains.

Participants in study abroad programs can generate more employment opportunities. Studying overseas can increase chances of getting hired after graduation by acquiring better education credentials and experience. Students enrolled in specialized programs can have newer technical knowledge and expertise, which are assets to a company. Furthermore, students who can speak a foreign language also have higher professional value. Exposure to cultural diversity makes an individual more globally competent, making it easier to interact with foreign colleagues.

Challenges encountered when studying abroad and how best to prepare

Despite the excitement brought about by studying abroad, being miles away from home often causes many international students overwhelming anxiety and psychological distress. Relocating to a different location away from loved ones usually entails a common phenomena called homesickness. Most international students who live abroad have no family or relatives to help them get settled into their new environment. Sometimes, communicating with them online can also be difficult because of time zone differences. Moreover, some people with reserved personalities may not find socializing and making friends easy. To avoid the awkwardness, they would usually opt to spend the remaining days in the student dormitory. There is no best approach to prepare an individual for homesickness. The feeling can only be assessed once you’ve finally left and settled into your new home. However, you can minimize the effects of homesickness by acknowledging that you are homesick. Remembering that these feelings are temporary is necessary for you to adapt well to your new environment. Talking to your friends and family every day and keeping them updated can help you feel still connected to them, regardless of time zone. Aside from keeping in contact with loved ones, engaging in local events also helps build relationships.

Language barriers can also cause homesickness. Language and cultural differences can initially pose an overwhelming problem to international students, especially those in non-English speaking countries. It might be challenging to accomplish simple tasks, such as navigating, riding the bus, opening a bank account, and buying groceries. In addition, language barriers can also discourage international students from making local friends. To minimize language struggles, learning basic greetings and introductory phrases can help you avoid being lost in translation before moving to a different country. Even with lousy pronunciation, knowing how to say “yes” and “no” or how to ask for directions can already reduce mishaps. You can also either bring a language dictionary or download a language translation application. Many available language translation platforms on the Internet can help you familiarize yourself with the foreign language.

Aside from the language barrier, you are likely to be overwhelmed by the cultural practices in your host country. It is normal to encounter culture shock when studying abroad. Comparing your home country to your new foreign environment will be inevitable. At first, it would be interesting to notice differences in cuisine, mannerisms, customs, and practices. However, sometimes, unfamiliar sights and sounds can result in frustration and discomfort. When you arrive in a foreign country, it is essential to get acquainted with the local culture. There are many available travel resources online that could introduce you to the foreign country’s cultural dos and don’ts. If your new abode’s cuisine is not to your liking, it is best to try rather than avoid it. Exploring is part of the experience of being in your new home overseas. Engaging in local festivities can also help you get to know your community in a deeper sense.

In addition, most international students might also encounter problems handling finances abroad. Before your arrival, it is necessary to learn how to access your finances. It is best to arrange different modes of acquiring money. For cash, it is advisable to know which currency you will need to bring with you. If you’re unable to exchange your money at the bank before leaving your home country, there are currency exchange kiosks at the airport. If you’re planning on staying longer than a semester, you may consider setting up a local bank account. Using your card from your home bank might incur higher charges from withdrawing funds. If you’re heading to a non-English speaking country, it is also best to prepare your documents ahead of time, learn about medical expenses, such as photocopies of your identification card, local sim card and study contract, plane tickets. This is to lessen the hassle you might encounter in the future.

What are some different types of study abroad program offered globally

There are many different types of study abroad program available to students. For example, there are programs that focus on academics, allowing students to take courses at foreign universities. There are also internships and volunteer opportunities, which provide students with the chance to gain real-world experience in a foreign country. There are even programs that combine travel with work or leisure activities, such as language immersion programs or adventure tours. No matter what your interests or goals, there is sure to be a study abroad program that is right for you.

Language learning study abroad program

There are many different types of student exchange programs available globally, each with its own unique benefits. For students who want to learn a new language, there are a variety of language learning programs available. These programs often include intensive language instruction, as well as opportunities to practice the language in a real-life setting. For students who want to immerse themselves in a new culture, there are also a number of cultural exchange programs available at the university. These programs provide students with the opportunity to live with a host family, attend local schools, and participate in community activities. There are also many programs available for students who want to combine their studies with work experience. These programs usually include an internship or work placement in addition to academic coursework.

Faculty-led study abroad program

Faculty lead programs usually are 3 to 6weeks semester at a foreign university, others participate in faculty-led programs. These programs are usually shorter in duration and take place during the summer or winter break. Students in faculty-led programs travel with a group of their peers and are led by professors from their home institution. These programs often focus on specific academic topics and provide an immersive educational experience. Whether you're looking to learn about a new culture or hone your language skills, there's a study abroad program that's right for you.

Geo Center study abroad program

A student's decision to study abroad is an important one. With so many different types of programs offered globally, it can be difficult to know where to start. However, by understanding the different types of programs offered by GEO Centers, students can narrow their search and find the perfect fit.

GEO Centers offer a variety of program types including semester, year-long, short-term, and summer options. Semester and year-long programs are the most immersive, giving students the opportunity to live in a foreign country and take coursework in their chosen field of study. Short-term and summer programs offer a more condensed experience, typically lasting 4-8 weeks. These programs are ideal for students who want to get a taste of what it's like to live and learn in another country without making a long-term commitment. No matter what type of program students choose, they are sure to have an unforgettable experience at a GEO Center.


The decision to pursue your education overseas can be intimidating. There is no right approach to prepare for an exciting yet unpredictable journey. However, doing research and keeping an open mind can help give you an idea of what to expect. Studying abroad is a unique experience for everyone that positively affects the way you interact with the world, from socializing to solving problems on your own.  Moreover, exposure to diverse perspectives and developing cultural awareness can foster global competence, enhancing our personal and professional growth and development.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Which country is best for study abroad

Every student's situation is different, so it's tough to say which program is best for study abroad. Some important factors to consider are the cost of living and tuition in different countries, the level of English spoken in the part of the world, other countries offer few weeks to year abroad at that university. Once you have chosen country do your research for major requirements and start your application process.

If you're looking for an affordable place to study, southeast Asia is a great option. In countries like China and India, you can find high-quality universities with low tuition rates. And if you're looking for a country where English is the predominant language, places like Australia and England are good choices. Finally, if you want to stay in Europe but want to explore a new country, countries like Portugal and Spain offer great value for your money.

What it means to study abroad

There are a few things that come to mind when thinking about what it means to study abroad. For starters, it means getting out of your comfort zone and learning how to live in a completely new environment. While this can be daunting at first, it's also an incredibly exciting and rewarding experience.

It also means immersing yourself in a new culture make friends, and learning about its second language and traditions. This can be a really eye-opening experience, and you'll likely come away with a much greater understanding of the world and different cultures.

What is the cheapest country to study abroad

Chile. Though the tuition rates at Chilean universities are relatively high using a quick google search, when compared to other Latin American countries, they are still much cheaper than those in developed countries. Additionally, the cost of living in Chile is much lower than in most other developed countries. This means that you can get a world-class education while also enjoying a high quality of life for a fraction of what it would cost to study abroad. Which will allow you to save money and use in life changing experiences.

Does financial aid cover for study aboard

Yes, some forms of financial aid may be used to cover study aboard costs. For example, the Pell Grant can be used to cover these costs. You should consult with their financial aid advisor to find out what type of aid is available for them and how best to use it to finance their study abroad experience.

Studying abroad is a great opportunity for you to gain new insights and perspectives on the world. It can also be an enriching experience academically and culturally. Financial aid can help make this opportunity more affordable. Also, their are some smaller scholarships that your school may offer.

When should you start preparing if you want to study abroad helpful tips

If you're a student who is interested in studying abroad, the best time to start preparing is now. There are a lot of things to consider when making the decision to study abroad, including finances, academics ,student visa, and your personal goals. By starting to prepare early on, you'll give yourself the best chance of having a successful and enjoyable experience.

One of the first things you'll need to do is research your options. Look into different countries and programs that interest you, and find out what each one has to offer. Consider factors like cost of living, climate, language requirements, and course offerings. Once you've narrowed down your options, you can start looking into specific schools and programs.

Make that checklist for study abroad

If you're a student studying abroad, congratulations! You've made a decision that will give you an incredible education and cultural experience. Here are some last minute tips to help you make the most of your time abroad:

1. Make a packing list and stick to it. Overpacking is one of the easiest traps to fall into when preparing for travel. To avoid this, sit down and make a realistic packing list several days before your trip. This will help you edit out any unnecessaries and pare down to the essentials other toiletries.

2. Do your research on local customs and etiquette before arrival. One mistake that study abroad students often make is assuming that everyone will be like them. Try to get a local family or other students from the local college to sponsor.

3, Try to meet local students from that school abroad. Head to your study abroad office see if you can meet any international student have a few word.