
Student’s Mental Health: How can I take care of my mental health?

For the last decade, mental health concerns have continued to rise. Depression, anxiety, and stress are the leading causes of mental health issues around the world. According to WHO, 20%

2 years ago

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For the last decade, mental health concerns have continued to rise. Depression, anxiety, and stress are the leading causes of mental health issues around the world. According to WHO, 20% of children and teens experience mental health conditions and suicide became the fourth largest cause of mortality among teens aged 15-19.

These mental health problems have a direct affect on a person’s life. It can influence performance in school and work, disturb relationships, and hinder connection to society. Consequently, unsatisfactory performance in these aspects of life can be a source of mental health conditions. Despite obvious drawbacks caused by mental health issues, these conditions remain problematic for most individuals due to fear, stigma, and lack of mental health support.

What are the indicators of the mental health problems of a student?

Students deal with various responsibilities in their personal and academic lives. They are expected to be a good son or daughter, a diligent student, a caring friend, and maybe even a hard-working employee. Since most learners are adolescents, they are still in the stage of discovering and establishing their identities. They are easily influenced by their peers and their environment which leaves them vulnerable to mental health risks.

It is not uncommon for students to experience mental health problems. When they are burdened with their social functions, their mental health issues can manifest in different forms.

Internalizing mental health problems

Internalizing problems is defined as antagonistic behavior focused on oneself. Depression, anxiety, sleep disorders, post-traumatic stress, and suicidal thoughts fall under this category. Students who undergo this mental state suffer from fear and lack of social connections. Because they inhibit their emotions and endure the problems internally, they get little to no help. Students who have unresolved mental health problems can lead to difficulty forming connections and educational negligence.

Externalizing mental health problems

Externalizing problems involves behaviors that affect bonds with others. Hyperactivity, impulsiveness, and inattentiveness are some of the behaviors that are characteristic of people with this condition. People who externalize problems are often diagnosed with ADHD and other behavioral disorders.

Other displays of mental health problems include substance abuse and eating disorders.

How do mental health problems affect your academic performance?

Students who experience mental health issues often perform poorly in class. In a study in 2017, both students who internalize and externalize their mental health problems face a decline in their grades. This is in comparison to learners who claimed that they do not experience any mental health issues. However, low grades and deplorable school performance can in return cause mental health conditions. The cycle of mental health problems and bad performance will continue if the learners don’t find ways to cope better.

Additionally, these mental health problems affect different stages of a student’s academic life. Freshmen who undergo mental health issues often suffer from low classroom performance. On the other hand, graduating students encounter deteriorating social connections and interconnectedness.

Ways to combat mental fatigue and stress

If you are looking for ways to cope with mental health issues, here are some activities that you can do.

Talk about it

Social connections and relationships can reduce the risks of mental health conditions. Simply talking to your friends or family members can alleviate the feeling of stress. As you share your thoughts with anyone, you are able to face your problems which eliminate the internalization of problems.

Other than your friends and family, talking to a chatbot can serve as an alternative as well. Research in 2021 found out that chatbots allow users to face and reflect on their emotions. Patrons also become more comfortable sharing their deepest concerns and traumatic experience.

Make sure you get your ‘me’ time, away from school works

Setting goals and time management are important in managing school-induced stress. In doing so, you will gain more time to rejuvenate and calm down from deadlines. One way to spend your free time is by giving yourself time to reflect. You look back to your achievements and practice gratitude.

Self-compassion is important in maintaining a healthy well-being. It is viewed as a form of therapy that bridges self-love to positivity. Individuals who practice self-appreciation will end up gaining confidence and feeling a sense of worth.

Get some sleep to recharge your brain

A good night’s sleep will give people a solid headstart to the day. Having your brain rested enough will not only return your brain functions to normal but also improve your mood. Sleep quality is also closely related to people’s mental health conditions. Those who enjoy long hours of sleep have prevented feelings of anxiety and depression.

However, those who have poor sleep quality experience are more susceptible to anxiety and depression. These mental health problems will further lead to insomnia if not handled properly.

Try to do recreational activities

Exercising is often associated with the body and physical health. Yet it is found to be beneficial to people’s overall mental health. Regular exercise will allow blood to flow to your brain, which in return helps memorization and clear thinking. Mental health risks will also lessen when maintaining a regular exercise routine.

Doing your hobbies and passion will lead you to better self-expression as well. Enjoying your free time will help you set a more happy and positive mindset.

Effects of not taking care of my mental health

Unresolved internalized and externalized mental health problems will lead to more severe problems as you grow old. Consequences of mental health neglect can evolve into substance abuse or other serious mental health conditions. Examining and treating these mental health problems early on will grant people a chance to bounce back in life faster.

In addition, students who do not acknowledge their feelings and mental health problems can see this reflect in their performance. It can hamper their abilities and interfere with opportunities.

Why is it important to take care of my mental health

Mental health is as important as physical health in maintaining your overall well-being. Taking care of your mental health can help you lead a happier, more well-balanced life. On top of that, a clear mind will allow you to enjoy the beauty of growing up and allow you to build meaningful connections.

If you are experiencing emotional distress, below are hotlines you can contact.
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-TALK (8255)

National Alliance on Mental Illness: 1-800-950-NAMI (6264)

Crisis Text Line: Text HOME to 741741

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is the best way to deal with my student mental health?

The best way to deal with your student mental health is by talking to somebody you trust, such as a friend, family member, therapist, or school counselor. You can also try some self-care practices, such as exercise, journaling, and relaxation. If you are in crisis, please call one of the hotlines listed above. If you see university students or young adults struggling with their mental health, encourage students to find mental health services, or offer to help connect them with resources.

What are some common mental health problems among college students?

Some common mental health problems among students are anxiety, depression, stress, and eating disorders. other students have a trigger that brings on mental health problems that are academic factors. For example, high levels of anxiety or stress can occur more often during examination time like mid-terms or finals.

What kind of mental health services are offered for student health?

There are many types of mental health services offered for student health. These include individual therapy, group therapy, psychiatric medication, and case management. Some schools also have programs that focus on prevention and early intervention, which helps with social support. It is important to know that different universities will offer different health services depending on the campus. However, most students should have access to to multiple services.

Are mental health services offered for international students?

Yes, many universities offer mental health services for international students. These services may be offered through the school’s counseling center, student health center, or both. Every university campus is different, so foreign students should look at their campus and see what services are offered. However, as long as you are a student, even a foreign student, you can still access the services provided by the university. If you are an international or foreign student and struggling with your mental health, please reach out to your campus’s mental health services for help.

Do medical students have more mental health problems that others majors?

There is no one definitive answer to this question. Some research suggests that medical students have more mental health problems than other majors, while other studies report no significant differences. It is important to note that mental health problems can affect anyone, regardless of their major or field of study. If you are a medical student, or know of other medical students or nursing students, please reach out to them and offer support.

How do students cope with final exams?

For some students, finals week can be a very stressful time. There are a few things that students can do to help cope with this stress. These include: getting enough sleep, eating healthy foods, exercising, and taking breaks. It is also important to create a study plan and stick to it. For students entering their first year at a university it might seem more difficult because they do not know what to expect. They may not have the self confidence they had in high school education as they do at the university level. Other ways to mitigate this is to make new friends and participate in study groups.

Michael Llamas

Published 2 years ago