
The most profitable blog niches for 2022

Blogging has turned into a successful marketing method for both individuals and businesses. Aside from sharing content to inform people, blogging can be used to drive profit. There are many

2 years ago

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Blogging has turned into a successful marketing method for both individuals and businesses. Aside from sharing content to inform people, blogging can be used to drive profit. There are many types of blogging and these blog types are known as niche blogs.

Before defining what niche blogs are, let's go through the meaning of niche and blogging individually. A niche in blogging refers to the topic or area that the blog is all about. It serves as the purpose or the plan that the blogger follows. On the other hand, blogs are self-made online journals posted on the web.

If we piece the two together, niche blogs are content (or blog) around a specific topic and for a particular group of people. An example of a niche blog is a blog about antique pieces. It has an audience of people who like to collect antique jewelry, figurines, etc.

There are many topics you can focus on in your blogs. Depending on what kind of content you want to share or your overall goal as a blogger, you can try and test different niches and see which works best for you. To give you an idea of what niches to choose from, we listed below the most profitable niches today.


The first one is lifestyle blogs. Lifestyle blogs talk about the day-to-day life of the blogger. You might confuse lifestyle blogs and personal blogs, but they are two different things! Personal blogs talk about the emotional aspect of the blogger's experiences. Imagine it like this: do you feel like you're getting to know the blogger's personal life more by reading their blog? If your answer is yes, then you're probably reading a personal blog.

In comparison, lifestyle blogs focus on the activities. It can still touch the emotions to engage the audiences, but that is not the focus of these blogs. Reading these blogs can help you live "how the blogger lives their lives" by following their suggested routines and activities. Usually, they include products that you can buy for in order for you lead the same lifestyle as they do. Promoting products is one of their sources of profit, which makes lifestyle blogging a profitable niche.

Lifestyle blogs can include anything about the blogger's life. So you might see lifestyle blogs having topics such as beauty, fashion, or traveling. If you don't want to have a specific niche on your blog, you can start by writing lifestyle blogs.

Topics under lifestyle

Examples of lifestyle blogs


Technology changes fast. One day a phone gets released, and a month after, it is already outdated. To be up-to-date with the latest in technology, people can refer to technology blogs.

All news and updates about technology are present in technology blogs. These blogs can talk about the latest innovation in Silicon Valley, the software updates of Andriod or Windows, or any technology updates. Aside from that, technology blogs can include reviews. Gadget review blogs act as a safety bubble for people who want to purchase a product. For instance, they want to compare two phones before choosing which one to buy. They can also check out the pros and cons of the phones they want to buy through technology blogs.

Aside from the audiences, tech companies also benefit from blogging. Companies can educate audiences about their product and pitch them in with exclusive updates to increase the audience's purchase intention.

Topics under technology

Examples of technology blogs

Health and fitness

If you want to be healthy mentally and physically, then health and fitness blogs are for you. Health and fitness blogs focus on helping people develop their overall well-being. Bloggers who write this blog niche can suggest exercises and tips on how to improve your health. Usually, these blogs require bloggers who have health expertise, like licensed doctors, fitness trainers, or psychologists. Licensed professionals who blog have more credibility as experts in their field, which makes people trust them more.

Readers of health and fitness blogs can benefit from these niche blogs in one way or another –with the most obvious benefit being improvement in their health. Health and fitness blogs can influence readers to start eating healthy foods and engageing in physical activities. Niche blogs liike  health and fitness blogs can guide readers on their journey to start living healthy. The benefits of reading health and fitness blogs don't end in self-development. Blogs posted on social media sites allow more people to view the content and connect with other readers. People who read these blogs also feel a sense of community and receive emotional support.

These blogs can also be a source of insecurity for people who read blogs, especially fitness blogs. According to research in 2020, fitness influencer websites can make people feel dissatisfied with their bodies which can cause unhealthy habits. So, if you want to create a health and fitness blog, make sure to motivate and encourage your readers to develop a healthy body.

Topics under health and fitness

Examples of health and fitness blogs

Parenting and family

Sometimes, parents need a little help from the internet in handling the family and that's where parenting and family blogs come into the picture.

Parenting and family blogs can consist of family experiences, family advice, and anything related to the family. It can guide parents on what to do or how to handle kids with disabilities. Additionally, parents who refer to these kinds of blogs can see that there are families who experience with the same thing, which gives them a sense of relief and belongingness.

For parents who write blogs, posting blogs gives them a space to share their experiences as parents. Through blogging, they can relive their lives again before becoming parents. It can also help them address parenting and family problems by writing in a blog.

Parents who write parenting and family blogs have a greater sense of responsibility. Because they write about the things people do to have a good relationship with their family, they need to live up to the audience's expectations. So before writing a parenting and family blog, make sure you have established a good relationship with your family first.

Topics about parenting and family

Examples of parenting and family blogs

Food and nutrition

The food and nutrition blogs are a source of information on having a healthy diet. People can refer to food and nutrition blogs to look for healthy recipes they can try at home or to look for recommendations on which diet to try.

Food blogs can also inform and educate a specific group of people, like vegans. Vegan blogs provide infortmation about veganism to new readers and it can also give readers a community to belong to. Vegans refer to blogs for information because they might feel scrutinized if they ask people about veganism.

However, if you would like1 to start a nutrition blog, having expertise in the field might give you an edge. Like health and fitness, people trust licensed professionals more than simple bloggers because they are more knowledgeable. On top of that, recommending supplements without knowing their side effects and benefits can get you in trouble. So check your facts first before writing a food and nutrition blog.

Topics under food and nutrition

Examples of food and nutrition blogs

Fashion and beauty

Trends in fashion and beauty change over time. So to be updated, you can read fashion and beauty blogs.

Fashion and beauty blogs are two varying niches that work together. Fashion blogs inform fashionistas and fashion enthusiasts about the trends in the fashion industry. They can include fashion statements of celebrities or the newest releases from known brands. It can also suggest cheap but quality clothes or ways to thrift. On the other hand, beauty blogs focus on makeup products and tips.

People refer to fashion and beauty blogs before purchasing a product, especially for expensive and branded products. But it doesn't end with reviewing or promoting the product. Most fashion and beauty blogs also recommend styles that best match different clothing or makeup. For example, they can recommend a style and makeup for fall.

There are various types of fashion and beauty blogs on the internet. One of them is fashion and beauty blogs for plus-size women that empower women of different sizes. A plus-size blog is a place for plus-size women to feel connected while serving as an outlet for establishing their identity in the mainstream fashion world.

In starting a fashion and beauty blog, investment is a must. Fashion and beauty blogs include recommendations and reviews of products. So you might need to invest in clothes and makeup to review their quality. But, of course, you should first be passionate about fashion and beauty.

Topics under fashion and beauty

Examples of fashion and beauty blogs

Personal finance

Being financially literate is vital for your life and career today. So if you're wondering how to handle your finances or how to invest, you can read personal finance blogs.

Personal finance blogs talk about the right way and place to put your money. For instance, if you are a college student that wants to invest in cryptocurrency, personal finance blogs can answer your questions. Additionally, some personal finance blogs offer professional services. They can connect you with a financial adviser to guide you in handling your finances. Personal finance blogs are for any age who wants to be smart about their money.

Checking your facts first in writing is vital in any niche blog. It is also the same with personal finance. Remember that in personal finance, you are talking about money. You don't want your audience to think that what you're saying is a scam or impossible to do. In writing a personal finance blog, you should first be knowledgeable about the financial world and how it works. Give yourself time to study or research before including it in the blog.

Topics under personal finance

Examples of personal finance

Personal development

You might be confused about where to start your development journey, but personal development blogs can help you with that. Personal development blogs include almost all health and fitness blogs since they all talk about self-development. It covers routines, goals, and activities for the readers to accomplish within a specific time.

Self-help is one of the themes of personal development blogs. Most activities that these blogs suggest are usually for breaking bad habits. It can be about fighting off procrastination or starting a healthy eating habit. Aside from physical and mental health, personal development blogs can also include ways to achieve dreams or tips on building up your career.

In the process of self-development, bloggers benefit along with their audiences. For bloggers, writing a personal development blog helps them track their progress. Having someone to read their blog only becomes a bonus.

Topics under personal development

Examples of personal development blogs

Tips for choosing a blog niche

With all a number of good options and niche blogs out there, you might experience some dilemma in choosing a blog niche. While it is understandable to be confused, you will still need to pick a blog niche in your blog to set your goals and your plans.

In deciding on what niche blog to choose, here are some questions you can ask yourself.

What are your interests?

Blogging is something that you must enjoy first. If you choose a blog niche that aligns with your interests, passions, or hobbies, you can be more engaging and relatable because you sincerely enjoy what you do. Your audience can also see if you're interested in the things you're writing because it appears in the quality of your work.

Plus, you can feel fulfilled instead of feeling burned out by constantly writing blogs in the long run.

What are your resources?

Niche blogs require varying levels of investment when starting. For example, technology review blogs need you to invest in phones, laptops, and other gadgets to review them closely. Resources like money are essential in starting a blog, so you might want to pass on some niche blogs for this reason.

Do many people search for your niche?

Of course, audiences are one of the factors you need to consider in choosing a niche. It is not enough that you're interested in your content but you need to be sure that someone will read what you made. Check the size of the niche community before choosing a niche. But remember that the larger the size of the community, the higher the competition.

In the end, you should choose a niche that you're passionate about, fits with the resources you have, and has an audience that is interested in what you will write.

Final Thoughts

Blogging is a medium to share your thoughts while gaining profit. It can even turn into your livelihood, especially if you're passionate about writing. So start writing, sharing, and earning!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is the top blog niche idea for 2022?

The top blog niche idea for 2022 is health and fitness. This is because people are becoming more and more conscious of their physical and mental health. They are also looking for ways to improve their lifestyle and be the best versions of themselves. Some of the most successful blogs is health and fitness because it is a profitable blog niche. As one of the most popular blogging niches, health and fitness is always changing, so there is always something new to write about. This niche is perfect for those who are passionate about health and fitness and want to help others improve their lives.

Can a new blog start in a blogging niche?

Yes, a new blog can start in a blogging niche. You can choose to write about any topic that you are passionate about or have knowledge in. When starting a new blog, it is important to find your niche and focus on writing quality content that will interest your target audience. It is also important to promote your blog through social media and through digital marketing.

Is it possible to make money blogging?

Yes, it is very possible. Most blogs are making money online and have transformed from regular weekend bloggers to professor bloggers. Some individuals start off by outlining blog post ideas and turn them into some of the best blog niches. Other post personal stuff like how mommy blogs are. From there, you can have personal and meaningful conversation with your audience via the comments sections. Additionally, you can make money from your blog by selling products, services, or ads. You can also use your blog to generate leads for your business. Finally, you can make money by writing sponsored posts for other brands that are related to your niche.

Michael Llamas

Published 2 years ago