
What Are the Benefits of Selling Items on Facebook Marketplace

The eCommerce industry has seen a massive improvement over the past decade. The number of consumers who rely on online shopping increased, especially during the pandemic. Online entrepreneurs and digital

2 years ago

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The eCommerce industry has seen a massive improvement over the past decade. The number of consumers who rely on online shopping increased, especially during the pandemic.

Online entrepreneurs and digital marketers have taken advantage of the booming digital industry by selling items online on platforms like Facebook Marketplace. According to Meta for Business, 1 out of 3 people on Facebook US utilizes the FB marketplace to buy and sell items each month.

By the end of this article, you will learn why people sell items online and the benefits of using the Facebook Marketplace as a selling platform.

Why People Sell Items

The COVID-19 pandemic definitely boosted sales in the eCommerce market. In 2021 there were more than 12 to 24 million online shops and 2.14 billion global online shoppers.

Selling and purchasing items on the digital marketplace has become the trend. Here are some of the reasons why people sell products or belongings online.

More Space at Home (Decluttering)

One of the reasons why Facebook Marketplace is becoming highly popular among individual sellers is that it serves as an avenue for selling used or second-hand items. A survey revealed that 76% of respondents sold items online because they do not use them anymore.

Selling items that are not in use will help declutter your home. When there is more space inside your home, you will feel less stress. Decluttering can help promote productivity and improvement in both mental and physical health.

Earn Money

Decades ago, people were still skeptical about online selling. Apart from the prevalence of scams and fulfillment difficulties, people before were not into online selling because of its uncertain ROI.

Fast-forward to the present time, eCommerce, which facilitates most online selling, has become a huge money-making industry. From eBay to Amazon and Facebook Marketplace, people are earning money simply by selling items online.

Online selling is a profitable venture. In fact, people who engage in selling items on Amazon make at least $1,000 to $250,000 each month in sales, making it an ideal alternative source of income.


Amidst the pandemic, many people turned to online selling for additional income. According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, almost 10 million people were unable to work due to the pandemic.

With the COVID-19 causing job loss and business closure, more people turned to online marketplaces like FB marketplace to sell both new and used items.

Furthermore, many traditional businesses have likewise transitioned to eCommerce for additional cash flow. This exemplifies an individual’s ability to search for clever and quick methods to overcome difficulties amidst the global health crisis.

Motivation for Cleaning Up

Another reason why people sell things online is to rid their property of unnecessary items. Whether it is a residential or commercial property, cleaning is essential.

Spring cleaning, in particular, is a cultural tradition still practiced up to the present. It is an opportune time for individuals to do chores and get rid of items that are not needed anymore.

Apart from improving the health and productivity of the household, spring cleaning is a good opportunity to sort things out. Property owners can decide whether to sell, throw, or recycle items during spring cleaning.

Facebook Marketplace

The Facebook Marketplace is another platform for people to buy things and sell stuff. It was launched in 2016 and managed to reach a broad audience globally. Just last year, the marketplace registered over a billion global monthly activities.

The primary purpose of Meta, formerly Facebook, for introducing this platform is to create more connections. The Facebook Marketplace is a great way to buy and sell within the community.

Facebook Marketplace will continue to improve its features to offer the best options to all users worldwide. However, despite Facebook Marketplace's elements, users need to learn how to make their listing stand out. Sellers on the FB Marketplace must learn to target both prospective buyers' impulsiveness and utilitarian behavior.

Apart from determining the intentions of prospective buyers, sellers should likewise be mindful of their product listings. Apart from providing descriptions and other vital details, sellers should use only high-quality photos.

These photos will provide more information about the item and help enhance the unique features of the product. According to science, humans process images faster than text, so you should present high-quality product images so that buyers can process information about the product faster.


The COVID-19 pandemic has shifted the purchasing behavior of consumers towards the online market and has accelerated the trend towards eCommerce.

Selling on Facebook Marketplace has made it easier for sellers to dispose of their products. Since the majority of shoppers are now into online shopping, selling items online has become much more manageable.

Numerous features make online shopping more accessible and more interactive. Apart from simple images uploaded by sellers, virtual technology likewise attracts shoppers to the online marketplaces.

On top of that, selling products on the FB marketplace and similar platforms is more convenient. There is no need for a physical store that can rack up additional expenses.

Furthermore, online marketplaces also lessen physical contact between buyers and sellers. According to a study, eCommerce or online selling platforms are trending amidst the pandemic is the fear of consumers contracting infectious diseases.

Shift To Online Marketplaces

The way people shop has changed due to the pandemic, causing a sudden shift towards eCommerce or online selling platforms.

With the majority of the population getting used to the convenience of online shopping, Facebook Marketplace has become a progressive platform to sell items online.

It offers convenience to both sellers and shoppers through its user-friendly features that are easy to use. Selling on Facebook Marketplace also means avoiding physical contact and potential infectious diseases.

Moreover, Facebook Marketplace is already an established brand, making it one of the busier marketplaces online, ideal for selling items.

Engaging in online marketplaces can make a huge difference for business owners looking to improve and expand their traditional business. It will not only boost your reach but will also enhance your brand influence.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can I use the Facebook app to sell on the marketplace?

Yes. The Facebook app can be used to sell on the marketplace.

To sell on the Facebook Marketplace, you'll need to create a listing. You can create a listing by clicking on Sell something in the top navigation bar and then selecting the type of product you'd like to sell. After you've created a listing, it will be listed in the Browse section of the Marketplace.

When people are interested in buying your product, they'll contact you through Facebook Messenger. You'll then be able to chat with them about the product and decide if they're a good fit to buy it. If everything looks good, you can finalize the sale by accepting their payment through Messenger.

How can I started a Facebook business?

Starting a business on Facebook is a great way to reach out to potential customers and connect with like-minded people. Here are a few things you need to do to get started:

1. Create a Facebook Page for your business. This is where you will share updates, articles, product information, and more. Be sure to include engaging content and visually appealing images or videos.

2. Build up your page’s following by promoting it among your network of friends and family. You can also run ads targeting potential customers who may be interested in your products or services.

3. Use Insights to track how well your posts are doing and which ones are getting the most engagement from fans. This will help you better understand what type of content your audience enjoys and enable you to adjust your strategy accordingly.

4. Respond promptly to any questions or comments left on your page. This will help create a sense of rapport with potential customers and show that you are attentive to their needs.

5. Take advantage of features like Facebook Shop to sell products or services directly to fans. This can be a great way to boost sales and increase brand awareness. By following these tips, you can set your business up for success on Facebook!

Do I need a Facebook page to start a marketplace listing?

No, you don't need a Facebook page to start a marketplace listing. However, it is helpful to have one so that buyers can learn more about your business. If you do have a Facebook page, be sure to include a link to it in your listing.

How do I attract interested buyers?

One of the best ways to attract interested buyers is by creating compelling content that educates them about your product or service. If you can show potential customers how your offering can solve their specific problem, you’ll be much more likely to interest them in making a purchase. Additionally, providing helpful information and resources (such as blog posts, e-books, infographics, etc.) can further illustrate your expertise and foster trust— two key factors in getting people to buy from you.

Of course, SEO is also critical in driving web traffic and ensuring that your content is being seen by people who are already looking for what you have to offer. By optimizing your website and using relevant keywords, you can bring buyers who are further along in their research process to your listings. Finally, don’t forget to leverage social media in your marketing efforts. Posting links to your listings on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and other platforms can help you reach a wider audience and generate more interest in what you’re selling.

Some popular ecommerce platforms include Shopify, WooCommerce, BigCommerce, and Magento. These platforms provide everything you need to create an online store, including a website builder, shopping cart software, payment processing, and security features. The ecommerce provider allows you to enhance your business by selling online and creating multiple sales channel. However, some of the platforms may include listing fees when adding a new listing. However, these platforms allow you to reach more potential buyers than you would by doing regular garage sales.

Are all Facebook users allowed to sell on Facebook marketplace?

Yes, all Facebook users are allowed to sell on the Facebook marketplace. The Facebook marketplace is a great place to find deals on items from clothes and electronics to furniture and home decor. Plus, it's a great way to find new and used items from sellers in your area, and grow your audience network. So if you're looking for a great way to save money and find unique items, be sure to check out the Facebook marketplace.

Is there a particular product I should focus on selling?

There's no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the best product to sell on FB marketplace depends on your specific niche and audience. However, a good rule of thumb is to focus on selling products that are unique and/or hard to find elsewhere. This will help you set yourself apart from the competition and attract buyers who are looking for something specific. If you start selling items that have more sellers, it may be harder for you to sell those items.

Ideally, your product should also be something that people are already interested in buying. This is also known as high value items. So do your research ahead of time to make sure there's a market for what you're selling. And don't forget to create an eye-catching product listing that captures the attention of potential buyers. You should take high quality pictures of your products using different angles to capture the detailed information of the product. With a little effort and planning, you can make FB marketplace a great source of income for your business.

What are my delivery method options?

As a seller, you have more than just 1 shipping option. For example, a potential buyer may want their package delivered standard delivery. While another buyer may want it in a timely manner or express shipping. Additionally, a buyer may want to pick up the item. However, if you are selling on other marketplaces, a pick-up may not be an option.

Michael Llamas

Published 2 years ago