
Why I love a Cup of Black Coffee on my Sunday Mornings

Introduction I love to savor the rich full body flavor of black coffee. The caffeine is magic because it wakes me up and helps me power through my Sunday morning

3 years ago

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I love to savor the rich full body flavor of black coffee. The caffeine is magic because it wakes me up and helps me power through my Sunday morning routine. And I love that instant feeling of accomplishment, sitting down with a hot cup of freshly brewed black coffee in wintertime. But really, it's all about the ritual. Is there anything better than sitting down for breakfast with a steaming cup? Especially one so strong and comforting as coffee - it cheers you up just to take the first sip. Don't even get me started on how happy I am when receiving an espresso pod or latte mix-pack as a gift!

Why I love a cup of black coffee on my Sunday Mornings

I am aware that I am not the only one with this coffee-loving habit. But it seems as if coffee is often highly romanticized in coffee commercials and advertisements. Take Ella Fitzgerald singing "I walk the floor and watch the door And in between I drink Black coffee Love's a hand me down brew" as an example - coffee and love: coffee always comes with a little romance in advertisements. And I'm sure you've all seen the coffee-cup wallpaper on your friend's smartphone. Often it says "Life is either a cup of coffee or therapy." But why are coffee lovers depicted as creative, successful people? I think coffee is fuel for productivity - but also coffee is coffee. And coffee tastes good enough to brew a little pot of happiness for everyone to enjoy, coffee lovers included.

I've been a coffee lover since I was a teenager. Coffee is my morning wake-up call. It gets me out of bed and on to my day. If it were not for that caffeine rush, I would probably still be in bed - catching up on some more sleep. Don't get me wrong, I love sleep just as much as the next one, but I love my coffee more.

I remember myself as a teenager brewing instant coffee and drinking it to try and get rid of that horrible morning-after feeling after a long night out. There was something magical about this black liquid that turned me into a productive member of society within minutes. Probably not because of the caffeine or the taste, but because of the ritual. I learned how to perfect my coffee brewing method over the years and I feel better prepared for each new day.

The Benefits of Black Coffee

I love drinking black coffee on Sunday mornings. There are many benefits to drinking black coffee, but some people feel that it has too much caffeine in it for them.

Black coffee is beneficial because it increases productivity and energy. It also increases weight loss. Black coffee can be an extra boost of energy when needed, without the need of any sugar. Drinking black coffee aids with brain function, mental alertness, moods, control of emotions and neurons activity within the brain cells.

It is important to drink black coffee in moderation to avoid negative side effects such as heart palpitations or jittery feelings - this largely depends on how sensitive your body is to caffeine intake. Drinking black coffee can also cause dehydration, so it is important to have water alongside your cup of black coffee.

How I make my Perfect Home Brewed Cup of Coffee

After all the years of brewing my own cup of coffee, I feel as if I found the perfect formula for my taste buds. I make my coffee by brewing around 30 grams of ground coffee in 250 milliliter of boiled water. Boiling the water for about one minute will help to extract more flavors from the beans while making sure you don't burn them. You want to grind your coffee beans fresh before using them because pre-ground beans are prone to air, heat, and humidity. Plus, ground coffee can lose some flavor over time if it's stored too long.

Using cold tap water is fine as well but if you have good quality filtration system at your house or use filtered water , it might make a difference in taste. I like to use plastic, glass or wooden utensils when making coffee so that the final flavor is not imparted by metal of any kind.

Once you have all your equipment ready and your water boiling, place the filter into your brewer and measure the ground beans. Once you pour over the hot water, gently shake the dripper until all the water has drained into your cup. For me that takes about 45 seconds to one minute but it's different for everyone. Some people like to use a metal mesh filter over their cup so you can simply pour the coffee through the filter - this is an old technique used by my grandmother.

I prefer the taste of this method over the one where you place ground coffee into a plastic cone with a paper filter. I feel as if there is no way for all the oils, flavors and aromas to be extracted from the coffee bean without first being immersed in boiling water - it makes sense doesn't it?

Tips for Enjoying Your Morning Cup of Black Coffee

I am a big fan of drinking black coffee in the mornings. A few tips that I have for anyone who is about to enjoy their morning cup of black coffee are:

- Make sure you get the perfect cup. A lot of people don't think about this, but it really does make a difference. Invest in yourself and buy yourself the best mugs you can find. Do some research online or go to your favorite store to find something with both style and substance. If you are on a budget, there are plenty of options for more affordable mugs out there - just remember that these might not last as long!

- Drink your coffee soon after it is brewed, or you will lose some flavor. Either way, make sure it is hot. Drinking coffee that is lukewarm or cold can ruin the experience for you!

- Don't add anything to your coffee unless you are certain that it will be good. This especially applies if you are using cream or milk in your coffee. Milk, although popular, tends to over-soften the taste of the coffee, which can make it difficult to appreciate the truly rich and full flavor. I recommend using cream (half and half is also good) if you want to add something. Cream has a much stronger taste than milk does, so adding too much will actually allow you to still enjoy that coffeey-flavor!

- Coffee is a great addition to baked goods! Try adding it to your favorite brownie recipe, or use coffee as an ingredient in cakes and cookies. You will be surprised at how much flavor you can add by using this simple trick!

- Finally: Savor and enjoy your black coffee. Allow it to wake you up, and notice how smooth its taste is. Think about the flavor, what kind of beans were used to make the cup that you are drinking? Did this particular cup happen to have a hint of chocolate in it, or maybe that kick of hazelnut?


In short, I love drinking a home brewed cup of black coffee on my Sunday mornings. It relaxes me and puts me in a fantastic mood. If black coffee is not your thing, there are plenty of other options for you! No matter what, make sure you enjoy it responsibly and don't forget to savor the wonderful flavors that black coffee has to offer. Below are my favorite brands of coffee and things that I use when making my coffee. Feel free to choose some of the things that I use when making my Sunday brew.


Q. What defines black coffee?

A: Black coffee refers to one of the four basic types of coffee, black iced coffee, black cold brew coffee, black hot brew coffee.

Black cold brew goes through the same process as cold brew except that after cooking ground beans are steeped in cold or room temperature water for 12-48 hours before filtering out the grounds. This makes it slightly more acidic than regular cold brew because had roasted beans start with a higher acidity level than unroasted beans. The taste is also smoother and less acidic than regular nitro coffees which have a high buttery flavor from dairy fat.

Q. How do you make a good cup of black coffee?

A. A good cup of black coffee is about the basics. It all starts with using fresh beans that are more than few days old (so keep some beans on hand at home). Next, you'll need some ground coffee (either measured by weight or volume). The more expensive the better since it has fewer impurities and usually contains less acidity levels. For best results, use filtered water.

One common misconception is that filtering water removes caffeine. Your filter may seem to remove the grinds but your java will still be just as caffeinated albeit slightly smooth coffee with no grittiness unless you go with a French press which sometimes leaves behind an oil finish.

Q. How much coffee can I drink in one day?

A. It depends on a few factors. For example, how much caffeine does it contain?

A cup of coffee contains about 100 to 190 mg of caffeine, but no more than 500 mg. Different brands and types of coffee can have different levels. Some weaker coffees might be in the 50-100mg range, while stronger brews from espresso up can reach 360 to 500mg per mug.

Another factor would be your personal tolerance level to caffeine. If you drink a lot less or if you usually avoid caffeinated drinks or foods, then you're probably going to have less tolerance for it sooner than someone who relies on their morning cup o' joe every day. Caffeine tolerance is also influenced by what else one

Michael Llamas

Published 3 years ago