
Why It is Important for Minorities to Get a Higher Education: The Benefits of Obtaining an MBA

Many people are unaware that the benefits of obtaining an Master's of Business Administration can be huge for minorities. The benefits include increased salary, higher job satisfaction and

3 years ago

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Many people are unaware that the benefits of obtaining an Master's of Business Administration can be huge for minorities. The benefits include increased salary, higher job satisfaction and more opportunities to advance in one's career. For this blog post, we want to understand how getting an MBA will help minorities find a well-paying job with good hours and help in career opportunities.

The importance of a Master's in Business administration or higher education.

Education is an important factor for various reasons. In the current job market, education is one of the most important factors. In fact, it's been found that an employee with a Master's degree will earn about 60 percent more than someone who has only completed high school. Those who complete their education with an Master's of Business Administration (MBA) can expect a salary increase of $12,000 per year compared to those who only have a high school diploma or GED. A study shows that minorities in particular benefit more from obtaining additional degrees than Caucasians because they tend to be underrepresented in higher paying jobs.

While there certainly aren't any guarantees when it comes down to success after getting your degree, minorities will see many benefits by making the decision to go back for more education and completing their Bachelor's degree as well as an MBA. For this reason alone, minorities should consider all opportunities available including part-time studying during weekends which enables them to hold on to their current jobs while advancing their education.

Reasons why minorities should get an higher education

There are many reasons why minorities should get a higher education. For example, one idea includes that minorities are often at a disadvantage when it comes to education. Some minorities face economic barriers in obtaining higher education, and this can have an effect on their socioeconomic status for generations to come. This is why minorities should get an MBA so they can become better equipped in today's world where there is such diversity of people from all walks of life.

Other benefits that minorities gain from getting a Masters of Business Administration (MBA) degree are that minorities can be more successful in business, and they will earn a higher salary. In addition,  minorities who get an education have the advantage of having greater opportunities for advancement at their companies or even employment diversity, making them ideal candidates for promotions. This means minorities could move up the ladder faster than if they had not obtained their education. This is done because individuals who have an educational degree and practice the skills that they learned in college to become strong leaders in their business or organization.

Moreover, those students who earn an MBA can focus on a specific skills and research. In a world with different communities, graduates can become professionals in their field. This is important because graduates can gain access to different world views, ideas, and other sources which they can benefit from. By making the effort in getting a degrees, graduates can be examples to others in their organizations, population, and their environment. Obtaining an MBA is especially important because it prepares minorities for positions of leadership where they will be able to advocate on behalf of other minorities so there is greater equality with respect to employment practices. Minorities with MBAs have shown great success due to their higher level of knowledge and preparation they received through their education. Furthermore, students can focus on a specific area as their concentration, which becomes a large part of their degree and helps in their transformation from student to a member of the workforce.

Ways to pay for school and how much it costs

Individuals who are going into a higher education might find it difficult to pay for school, but there are ways that you can pay for your higher educational degree. For example, there are federal government loans, scholarships and grants that minorities can apply for to help them pay towards obtaining their education. In addition, minorities who have been in the workforce for a number of years may also qualify for tuition reimbursement from their employers which is another way minorities can afford an MBA.

The cost of getting an MBA varies depending on where you receive your education as well as the amount of credit hours you take. For minorities, it is important to consider what would be a good option for them in terms of their financial situation and whether or not taking out loans would work with that particular scenario.  It is highly recommended minorities do as much research as possible to determine what an appropriate amount would be for them.

The Empowerment of Digital Education

There are other efforts and practice that can help pay in attending college and obtaining a degree. What most students do is that they work full-time and attend college full-time. While some might argue that this would be difficult to accomplish, many individuals do it, such as myself. In addition, you can do your research and find a college that offers digital education. You might be asking yourself what does "digital education" mean. This means that you can attend college online without having to go to campus to attend class. This is important because you save time from driving from your house, to the college, to work. You will be able to earn your income and support your family all while attending the university. Many students that do attend online courses still finish within the same time period as those students who attend on-ground. Furthermore, online courses still add the same value of empowerment education and giving you the skills, such as decision making capabilities, research, and managing groups.

What is interesting about attending online courses is that you have the same access to community of members in the university. For example, you will share the same amenities as those students who are attending the university on-ground. In addition, you are taught with the same efforts as other students. You will still meet other students of the university who are trying to get the same degree. One thing that people do not talk about is that the students you meet online attend from various parts of the country or other countries. These students have different lives than us here in the States and have different values, ideas, and access to different groups around the world. I personally like the MBA program because you get to connect with people from different parts of the world who are leaders in their organizations.

How Will The Degree Help in the Future

By acquiring an MBA or any higher education degree can enhance your marketability as a professional.  This means that minorities with an MBA or other educational degree will have the advantage in today's competitive job market. Also, minorities who get their education can help lead others by using the skills they earned through their education.

People typically acquire MBAs when they are looking for advancement within their company, which makes minorities ideal candidates because of their knowledge and the many types of ideas the graduates can bring to that particular profession. This is why minorities should consider all opportunities available including part-time studying during weekends which enables them to hold on to their current jobs while advancing their education through obtaining an MBA from a top school like Stanford University, MIT, Pepperdine University, UC Davis, Harvard University, or Northwestern University.  Furthermore, an MBA degree allows for students to align themselves with new friends that have similar interests. In addition, an MBA program offers students opportunities to access research journals, help form research grounds, and, at the same time, provide courses in which students can be provided with valuable feedback.

Higher education is not just for the individuals who are seeking an MBA. There are many degrees that one who seek, such as a masters degree in arts, political, music, culture studies, and economic studies. Of course, you will apply to the degree that has your areas of interest or a certain topic that you want to study. However, I would argue that it behoove you to focus on a degree that will give you the best opportunity to expand your borders in your organization and enhance the likelihood of being promoted.

Why People Should go to College Instead of just High School

As mentioned previously, there are multiple benefits by attending college instead of just ending their educational learning at high school. For example,  minorities who end their education after high school are more likely to struggle financially, live in poor neighborhoods and work low-paying jobs which limits minorities' opportunities. This is due to the basic education that is taught to students in the areas of their public high school. These minorities usually do not have access to good health care, meaningful employment or the resources needed for success.

On the other hand minorities who pursue higher educational degrees like an MBA can increase their chances of obtaining a better job as well as living in wealthier neighborhoods than those that live in a neighborhood that has poverty. By living in a better community, and if you choose to have children, you can create a better home, a better environment, and an overall better quality of life for your family. In addition, as parents, you can create a better opportunity for your children by passing on the knowledge and experiences that you have learned so that your children are ready for a brighter future.

Getting an MBA or a higher education degree enables minorities to obtain greater control over time by having flexibility regarding when they want to go back into academia meaning that if minorities decide they want children later on then it is easier for them because you don't necessarily have to work numerous of jobs to support them financially.

Furthermore, having minorities in prominent leadership positions can have a positive impact on other minorities by inspiring them to get an education and reach higher goals. This is because minorities who see that there are opportunities for minorities within top companies might be encouraged to follow their dreams of getting an MBA or another degree which will increase their chances at success. Minorities who get an MBA or higher education also have more opportunities for advancement within their companies which means minorities will be able to reach top positions as well as positively impacting other minorities by opening doors of opportunity for them at work.


Q. What are the 5 minority groups?


- African Americans

- Asian Americans

- Latinos/Hispanics

- Native American Indians (First Nation)

- Pacific Islander minorities (Pacific Islanders, Maori people in New Zealand.)"

- Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander Group, Ethnic Subgroups are also classified as minority groups in America including the Chamorro, Filipino, Guamanian, Melanesian and Polynesian people of US Territory and Commonwealths such as Guam and Puerto Rico; Samoan; Tongan; Micronesian (such as Marshallese and Gilbertese people) and more Pacific Islanders (Hawaiians); A poll conducted by census found that Hawaii residents choose Central Americans like Guatemalans more than those from some parts of Asia, Africa or Europe to be accepted into their communities."

Q. Why is getting an education important?

A. Getting an education is important because it gives you a head start on life. A college degree provides you with connections and social capital, as well as a higher salary, on average. It also broadens your perspective of the world and it forces you to learn how to articulate new thoughts. Aside from the obvious workplace perks, a person with a degree has more opportunities for self-development and can do more meaningful work with others who share their values.

Bottom Line: The importance of an education depends largely on what your goals are in life - do you want money? Peace? Perhaps travel or working remotely? But one thing is certain; acquiring knowledge will help take these decisions out of infancy and make them instead mature options like ones created by

Q. How do you get proper education?

A. Rule number one: never stop learning. We'll never know everything, and there's always something to learn. That means go ahead and ask questions! There's no such thing as a silly question when we're all self-made teachers eager to help point each other in the right direction so we can all help one another contribute to our collective sustainability. Ask away!

For people who want more structured learning, many universities offer free courses online and free lectures about their academics for anyone to watch; internet blog posts accomplish this for aspects of life that don't inherently involve an academic track, but these courses are much less rigorously researched than college courses (so always do your own independent reading if you want the "true" version of the story).

This is not to say that asking questions on the internet undermines your education. Information on the web is valuable, just as valuable as information from a book or a lecture. Learning never stops, so do what you can with what information you have!

Q. What is the difference between going to school and getting an education?

A. There is a difference between going to school and getting an education. First, school (high school in particular) is not suited for everyone due to the lack of individualization and immaturity of most students there. Second, studying at an educational institution requires higher levels of effort because it's tailored towards one's interests or career path; whereas attending regular classes doesn't cater to your specific needs and is designed for most people under "general ed."

Higher levels of study require you do more work outside the classroom than normal schooling would so that you can graduate with honors or excel in certain fields. You also reap benefits by meeting others with similar interests, finding support systems on campus through mentorships and teachers which encourage learning.

Q. What stops people from getting an education?

A. Trying to get people educated may be easy. Looking at the reasons why they are not getting an education is more of a challenge. The real question you are asking is "who are the people who choose not to get an education?" It takes courage, discipline, and conviction to stay focused on an educational goal. It's harder for some than others because for example for some of them it all boils down that they refuse to conform or fit in with society. Whatever their reason maybe, educate yourself about the topic so you can offer solutions to hopefully one day figure out this answer.

Q. How to Building Self-esteem

A. This begins with the belief that you are good enough for what you want. Allow yourself to feel deserving of love, success and happiness - be loved, become successful and find your happiness relentlessly. Start by telling yourself things like "I deserve the best" or "My mind will soar." It doesn't really matter if you believe these statements at first, but it's important that you say them every single day. Talk to yourself in third person as well - tell yourself continuously how powerful and talented they are. Do not self-sabotage - do not put up any excuses for why this cannot work out just because it didn't work out before. Forgive past mistakes; don't let regrets destroy today or tomorrow.

Instead, focus on the future and let your past mistakes move you forward to where you want to be. Be strong and confident in yourself. You will attract people who support you and believe in you, for they will feel the power of your strength and confidence as if it were contagious. Find ways to show love and kindness - smile at others, compliment them or give a helping hand when needed. By making other people happy, we make ourselves happier as well; everyone loves receiving attention and praise after all! Trust that people like you for who you are; do not change yourself just to please someone else (and never compromise your dreams).

Finally, stay positive at all costs - no matter what happens around you or what has happened before, remember

Q. Why Are Hispanic and African-American Dropout Rates So High?

A. Socioeconomic issues are the major cause of these big dropout rates. According to the Pew Research Center, 27% of children born into low-income families drop out of school before completing high school. When they looked at only Hispanic and African-American kids, 34% were dropping out of schools. The study showed that six factors correlate with more than 70% of high school dropouts:

1) problems at home - 31%; 2) inability to buy school supplies - 22%; 3) work or family obligations - 21%; 4) lack access to transportation - 18%; 5) behavioral issues outside the classroom or home setting - 16%. And 6) emotional health problems (disability, anxiety disorder, etc.)

Michael Llamas

Published 3 years ago