
Your Morning Routine Might Not be Optimal if you don't Have One Of These Habits

Coffee is an elixir of life for many people. It's even been called the "liquid courage" that gives us the ability to face our day head

3 years ago

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Coffee is an elixir of life for many people. It's even been called the "liquid courage" that gives us the ability to face our day head on. Coffee drinkers are some of the most productive, successful and influential people in society today. They're also known to be among the nicest!  There are many things in this world that people claim to love, but only very few of them actually do. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that you can't be a "coffee lover" if you also enjoy other beverages like tea or soda- it's just that the caffeine kick is something special. It invigorates your body and wakes up your mind with ease while simultaneously calming your nerves for a great start to the day. And let's face it, isn't life all about having good mornings? The answer is yes- absolutely! So why not make coffee part of your morning routine?

There are 7 habits every person should have whether they drink coffee or not because these habits will make their mornings much more optimal. Coffee drinkers can use a lot of these habits as a "motivator" to keep their coffee consumption going because these habits are largely responsible for the success associated with coffee drinkers around the world.


1) Have a Morning Routine:

Routines make mornings more predictable and consistent; they also prevent you from being "rushed" out the door in the morning before you have even had a chance to properly wake up. Many should start their day with a very simple routine that doesn't take too long to accomplish. Have a nice, warm shower or bath and then get dressed straight away after getting out of bed. Coffee drinkers simply shouldn't have cold feet! It's also important to eat something small right after getting dressed. For example, having a glass of water first thing in the morning to "cleanse" their systems and fill up on H2O. Coffee shouldn't be consumed "on an empty stomach" either, especially if you plan to drink several cups throughout the day. Coffee should ideally be consumed by itself or with a light breakfast food like toast or cereal. Individuals who drink coffee are known to have very quick, efficient mornings because they know exactly what they want to do and how they are going to go about doing it on any given morning. They say that knowing their routines makes mornings more "enjoyable" and "fun" too. They hate standing in front of the bread-toaster for 30 minutes trying to figure out what they are going to do next. Instead, they prefer quick, simple routines that get them out the door as soon as possible so they can enjoy their day!

2) Drink Coffee Black Without Sugar or Milk:

One of the great debates among coffee drinkers is whether or not to mix their black coffee with milk and/or sugar. They believe that if you mix the coffee, it will lose some of its magic.  However other argue that each drop of a home brewed cup of coffee will always have the same affected if milk or sugar is released in the brew. Some of them usually can't stand milk in general, so drinking black coffee every single morning is a good way to get into the habit of drinking gourmet coffee without sugar or milk ever touching your lips! Those who mix black coffee with other beverages say that it's simply much too "bitter" and "sour" for their liking. Some argue that sugar definitely takes away from the full coffee flavor, but milk also does the same thing. Coffee drinkers who drink black coffee every morning say that it quickly becomes a habit of drinking black coffee because they get used to not having milk or sugar in their cup after a while of drinking black coffee. Those who don't mix their black coffee with milk or sugar definitely encourage other people who drink coffee to start drinking black coffee every morning if they don't already. Those who drink black coffee say that it helps them "feel more energized" and "cleansed" after they get off work. They always want to make sure their bodies and minds are functioning at optimal levels before going into the workplace, so drinking black coffee every morning is the best way to make sure your body and mind are functioning at their top levels before you start your day!

3)  Drink Coffee with a Purpose:

Coffee drinkers always have to have a purpose for why they are drinking coffee, otherwise it just seems like a really "useless" habit. They usually drink coffee because they want to wake up or stay awake during the day, so coffee should always be consumed when people really need energy! They say that having coffee every morning without a purpose is like "wasting" coffee. They always need to make sure they are drinking coffee for a reason before they start their day, otherwise it's simply not worth it to drink coffee! Coffee drinkers say that this one habit helps them "start the day off right" and it definitely makes mornings more enjoyable too. Also, they encourage people who drink coffee throughout the day to make sure they have a purpose when they drink their caffeinated beverage.

4) Drink Coffee in the Morning:

People who only drink coffee in the afternoon or at night say that "coffee habits" are just "weird." They simply can't understand why anyone would want to ruin a perfectly good cup of coffee by drinking it before noon! Coffee drinkers who drink coffee in the morning say that they have absolutely zero desire to drink coffee any other time of day besides morning. This is another one of those "personal preference" issues, but most people who only drink coffee at night or in the afternoon will never understand how important this personal preference can be! Coffee drinkers who only drink coffee in the morning definitely encourage people who drink coffee to start drinking it in the morning if they don't already. They say that this personal habit is extremely important when it comes to making "everyday routines" and mornings more tolerable!

5) Wake up Before or at the Same Time Every Morning:

Most people drink their coffee on the way to work or school, but some more advanced "coffee drinkers" choose to wake up before they have to go to work just so they have time to brew their gourmet coffee. Coffee drinkers who wake up before they have to go into work definitely encourage other people who drink coffee every morning to start waking up early just so they have time to brew coffee before work! The best way to do this is to set an alarm on your phone every morning, even if you don't plan on drinking coffee until 1 hour after you wake up. Waking up at the same time every day has endless amounts of benefits for people who drink coffee, so maybe you should start waking up earlier and earlier until you feel like you've woken up at the optimal time!

6) Keep Coffee Handy at Work and Home:

Coffee drinkers who drink coffee all day definitely make sure that they always have a cup of coffee on their desk at work and some in the car as well. This makes it convenient for people to grab a quick morning or afternoon pick-me-up without having to walk all the way to the kitchen! Keeping coffee "handy" is another one of those "personal preferences" that people who drink coffee for a living absolutely love. People who drink coffee all day definitely encourage other people to start keeping a few cups of coffee at their desks and in the car, especially since it doesn't take much time or effort. It's also important to make sure you have a travel mug, because otherwise your coffee can get cold in a hurry!

7) Drink Coffee Outside:

A lot of people drink their coffee inside and they don't really ever think about drinking it outside, but some more advanced "coffee drinkers" choose to drink their coffee outside as soon as warm weather is available. People who drink their coffee outside say that their life just feels more "complete" and they definitely encourage other people who drink coffee every day to start drinking it outside as soon as the weather permits it! People who just sit inside and drink coffee all day long never really seem all that happy, so maybe you should choose to be a little more adventurous and try drinking coffee outside!

The Bottom Of The Mug

Coffee drinkers around the world have a lot of different habits that they do each and every day. Some people drink their coffee in the morning, some people drink it at night or in the afternoon. Others only drink it outside when weather permits it. No matter what time you choose to enjoy your cup of joe, there are habits that can help make your mornings more productive!  We hope this article has been helpful for improving your own morning routine with these 7 tips from expert "coffee drinkers." If any of these tips sound like something you'd be interested in implementing into your life then check out some other articles on our blog about how to start drinking coffee or even check out some great recipes we've created just for you!


Q. Why Coffee is Good for Studying?

Coffee is helpful for studying because it provides you energy to focus on what your doing. It also helps increase the brain's productivity, motivation, and cognitive ability.

Q. Is Hot or Cold Coffee Better for Studying?

I started drinking hot coffee the whole day through the complicated process of boiling water and straining coffee. I decided to experiment at work, "To see which made me more productive." I took two types of caffeinated coffees with me to my office. One was a regular cup of Colombian hot-brewed Columbian roast blend coffee, and the other one was an iced Columbian cold-brewed Columbian roast. About halfway through my normal 9 hour work day, I checked how many solutions or experiments were complete -- both cups completed exactly 4/5's of their solutions at that point in time. It became clear that drinking hot coffee through out the entire day actually allowed me to become more productive by helping prevent brain

Q. What Can I Eat With Coffee For Breakfast?

Coffee has become a status symbol in our culture, but there are many other ways to get your caffeine fix if coffee is not your thing. I think it's just common courtesy to be respectful of people you have coffee with, so take note if they don't want their day starting out with coffee-drinking.

For instance, I like to start my day with tea since my mother is strongly opposed to the taste of coffee mixed into anything she eats or drinks. For breakie (coffee and breakfast), try out these ideas: Bringing up scones and good butter for toast; yogurt and granola; sparkling apple cider with cinnamon; steel cut oats mixed with ground almonds and honey; freshly

Q. What goes Well With Afternoon Coffee?

Everyone tells you that coffee is a morning drink, but many people find an afternoon cup and the time to take a break from work refreshing. I used to skip afternoon coffee and use my breaks instead for food and snacks. However, after trying it I found that combining the two – coffee with a snack – led me to feel energized rather than tired during those few hours in between. Here are some of my favorite midday treats:

Q. What Are Healthy Things to Eat With Coffee?

I would recommend something with an antioxidant-like quality like dark chocolate. Studies show that if you eat sugar every now and again it will keep your palate refreshed. The antioxidants in dark chocolate are crucial to combating free radicals that cause us to age too quickly. Remember just one square won't hurt you! :) I love the salted caramel Ghirardelli bars because they're super high in antioxidants but not heavy on the sugar at all! They also have a very low caffeine content so I bet you'll be able to drink coffee while studying or reading without too much trouble.

Q. What is a Low Calorie Snack to Pair With Coffee?

Oftentimes what people think of as "low calorie" snacks are cakes, cookies, and other high sugar cakes. If you're looking for a better way to stay sustained throughout your day, the first thing I recommend doing is trading a lot of those less nutritious snacks for more nutrient dense foods, or food that has some nutritional benefits. You can also have some coffee with one of these snacks for an extra bit of energy boost. I've been on this journey since high school so I don't remember much about being hungry! But sometimes my hunger pops up in the morning before breakfast or mid-day when I'm slacking on snacking so it's good to have ideas around those times.

Michael Llamas

Published 3 years ago